Chapter 89 Woman, come with me
My mood has reached the brink of despair, and I have no sense of survival in my heart.

The annoying candle flame in front of me seemed to be approaching slowly, and I was very disturbed in my heart. I was going to die anyway, so I simply blew out the annoying flame before I died.

I blow hard.

It was still dark all around, but there were no dancing flames.

From the window pasted with old newspapers, a ray of light penetrated faintly.

I saw Huang Xiangu flickering in front of my eyes, and jumped off the bed in panic. It turned out that the dancing flames were the eyes of this Huang Xiangu.

It is using its own eyes to make people hallucinate and hang themselves!
The noose around my neck has risen halfway, hanging me in mid-air, and I am only half breathed.

With the only strength in his hand, he immediately grasped the noose tightly, tried his best to fish out his neck from the noose, and then fell from midair to the ground, saving his life.

When I fell to the ground, my stomach landed on the ground, and the baby in my stomach kept crying.

I took a few breaths and was about to comfort the baby when I suddenly thought that Miss Wang, who came with me, had no time to take care of the baby in her belly.

I wondered if Wang Qiong would also be confused, and then hang herself?

"Wang Qiong..." I broke down and shouted Wang Da Niu's name, frantically looking for her trace in the house.

I searched around the house, it was too dark here, there were all hanged people, and I couldn't find Wang Da Niu at all.

I was so anxious that I felt like all the blood vessels in my body were about to explode.

If she can't be found again, she is likely to be hanged here alive.

At this moment, the fluorescent lamp in the dormitory was suddenly turned on, and the two yellow-skinned children hid under the bed as if they were frightened, and my big girl Wang was hanging in front of me.

Her face turned blue, as if she was hopeless.

I hugged her legs and tried to lift her down, but fell to the ground in vain.

I looked up at the swaying Wang Da Niu, all the strength in my body leaked out like a deflated ball, I bit my lip and tried my best to get up.

Then, he tried again to hold her down.

Her body is already cold...

My heart was also frozen with ice.

Do not!
my home……

My big girl Wang will not die! ! !
"Let me come." The voice was lazy and thick, as if it came from someone who turned on the light at the door.

I hugged Wang Qiong's cold calf and turned my head vigorously, only to see the person standing at the door.

The man was wearing a casual shirt and jeans. He was dressed casually, but there was always a sense of maturity condensed by the years.

He is the owner of the coffee shop, and he doesn't know why he is here.

Seeing him lightly jumping on the tiptoes, his body bounced into the air so lightly, and fell to the ground with Wang Da Niu in his arms.

"Who are you?" I asked him aloud, Wang Qiong was not angry at all in his arms, like a frozen doll, losing all perception of the outside world.

"Hush." ​​He made a gesture of silence, and the white jade cicada in his open palm floated up, turning gently, emitting a white light.

The rays of light condensed into something soft like moonlight, wrapping Miss Wang's whole body like a ribbon, and he just lowered his head and kissed Wang Qiong's forehead.

"The little girl is so cute. If I were younger, maybe I would really fall in love with you." The man's eyes were full of endless tenderness, and he reached out and gently placed her body on the bed.

my God……

Wang Qiong's male god kissed her, will Wang Qiong be fine?

Will she wake up like a princess kissed by a prince?
A lot of vulgar plots popped up in my mind in an instant, and I saw the injured yellow leather on the foot dragging the injured leg to slip away from my feet.

Wang Qiong lying on the bed, although her bruised complexion had returned to her previous fairness, her lips were still tightly pressed and her eyes were closed.

It's worrying to watch.

This dead yellow man almost killed us just now!

The ruthlessness in my heart came up, and I didn't care about anything else, and closed the door behind me.

As soon as he lifted his foot, he stepped on Huang Pizi's body, and stepped down extremely hard.

The other yellow-skinned child who sent the bowl to rescue it saw this scene, and in an instant, let out a scream.But it shrank and hid in the corner, not daring to move, let alone Huang Xiangu who rushed forward to save it.


I stepped on it until I heard the sound of bone brittleness, and then retracted my foot.

Huang Pizi hadn't been trampled to death, but he was on the verge of death, with only one breath left.

I relieved my anger a little, sat on the edge of the bed, held Wang Qiong's cold hand, and asked the owner of the coffee shop, "I... my friend, is she okay?"

The owner of the coffee shop was leaning against the railing of the iron bed, with a slender body. He slightly hooked the corner of his mouth and smiled: "With me here, she will be fine, but I'm afraid she will be in big trouble for a while."

"Thank you for saving Wang Qiong, thank you so much." I said thank you, but I couldn't help frowning, knowing in my heart that this big trouble must be the master behind Huang Pizi.

Huang Pizi steals people and makes them hang themselves, and there is no one behind them to manipulate them. With just a few four-legged ones, such a major event cannot be accomplished.

But who is the master behind them?

The old lady riding the donkey?

Or is there another more powerful master...

"Su Zi... woo woo... Su Zi, I thought I was hanged." Wang Qiong woke up very scared, as if the memory of just now was still fresh.

Just like me, sober watching myself hang myself.

Uncontrollable hands and feet, that feeling is really terrible!

"Huh—" There was a sound of strong winds, and the two rusted iron windows bounced open, and a boy in black hovered in the night sky.

His black clothes with golden dragon tattoos were blown by the night wind, and his long straight black hair fluttered enchantingly in the night wind.

His dark eyes swept across the room, and fell on Wang Da Niu who was lying on the bed, with a wicked and cold smile at the corner of his mouth: "Woman, come with me."

Wang Qiong just woke up, she was already overly frightened, and this person floated out of the window and asked her to follow, trembling with fright, hugging my somewhat thick waist, "My mother... Su Zi, am I dreaming?" Ah, that thing outside the window... is that thing a ghost that is holding my soul?"

"Why are you so timid, he is not a ghost messenger, don't be afraid, your male god is here, he will protect you..." He is not a ghost messenger, but Feng Chu, the son of the ghost king...

I glanced at the owner of the coffee shop leaning on the railing, he still had a warm smile on his face, looked at Fengchu with a faint look, and said casually: "Young man, you can't take this girl away~ If you want to marry a wife, change another one, this is what I fancy."

I looked at Wang Qiong, wanting to see her reaction.

Sure enough, a drunken blush appeared on Wang Qiong's fair face, and she, who was always bold, lowered her head and dared not speak.

"Wu Nasi, who the hell are you? Tell me your name." Feng Chu still put on a weak and enchanting face, speaking rough and swear words.

The owner of the coffee shop rubbed his nose and smiled unrulyly, "Guess..."

It is estimated that Feng Chu is too lazy to talk nonsense with this uncle, she hooked her lips coldly and flew in, hugged Wang Qiong from the bed, and wanted to fly out in one breath.

"Fengchu, you're out of your mind, why are you robbing my friend?" I jumped up from the bed and stood in front of Fengfengchu furiously.

The temples are bursting with gas.

He is now the master of the ghost world, Xingxuan's skill has retreated greatly, and he is no longer his opponent, why is he here to fix it?

Feng Chu's face darkened, and she shouted angrily: "Get out!"

With a flick of his hand, my body was swept away casually like a rag.

If it fell to the ground like this, at least three bones would have to be broken.

I was prepared for severe pain, but my body fell into a cold embrace. The man asked Feng Chu in a cold voice: "Feng Chu, what are you doing, you always like to trouble my woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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