Chapter 97
"I miss you, Zi, it's not like you don't want to cultivate." Xingxuan's words sounded a bit playful, he stroked my hair, his gaze fell on the hearse downstairs, and he frowned slowly.

Hearing his lazy voice, my bones were almost brittle, and I couldn't help being a little confused.

Just about to agree to him and practice together with him, Xingxuan squinted her eyes and said: "These beasts have no leader, without restraint, something big will happen."

He said that the dragons have no leader, and I understand what it means.

After the old lady Bai returned to the ghost world, these yellow-skinned people lost their masters and wantonly harmed one side.

"Did the yellow skin kill this child?" I turned my head and fell into Xingxuan's arms, I kissed Xingxuan's chest through his thin clothes.

His arms tightened, and I could feel his heart beating faster and faster, and there was a hint of forbearance in his voice, "Su Zi, don't seduce me."

I nodded in his arms, and just as I wanted to keep some distance, he pressed my head back onto my chest.

He told me not to seduce him, and held me in his arms again, which was too contradictory.

I heard Xingxuan say in a clear voice: "The child in the hearse, I'm afraid that Huang Pizi killed him. In the past few days, the surrounding area has been extremely cloudy, and it should be these evil obstacles that have been rampant, causing many unjust souls. Yes Although my practice has helped me a bit, such monsters can cause harm to the world, and they cannot be left behind."

Although Xingxuan is a ghost, but just like what Master said, he will never fall into the personality.

If he was the master of the ghost world, maybe there would not be so many tragic things today.


When I have seen so many tragic things, there are also relatives of these people, Ye Lan's sad mother, Cheng Li's lonely grandfather, Lin Yun's parents who hanged themselves...

My heart can't help being fragile and soft.

Although I am not a saint, but fortunately I am a kind person. I have seen such things a lot, and I will always have some feelings in my heart.

It would be nice if there were fewer killings.

I want him to become the master of the ghost world, not for himself, but to reduce the occurrence of tragic things.

But I don't want to say it, I'm afraid of putting pressure on him, cultivation is not something that happens overnight, if you are too hasty, you will definitely go crazy.

No matter how much I want Xingxuan to become the king of the ghost world, I can only take one step at a time, step by step.

I took a deep breath and murmured, "I don't know where Huang Pizi is hiding in the community. The security guards searched all the places nearby where he could hide, but they couldn't find Huang Pizi."

"The ghost world has the rules of the ghost world. I am a ghost in the ghost world. It is inconvenient to intervene in such matters. The affairs between humans and ghosts are usually managed by Taoist priests in the Taoist sect. Look, someone from the Taoist sect has come." Xingxuan's eyes fell on one place as if the dust had settled.

I saw a middle-aged man in a gray Taoist robe coming downstairs, talking with the woman holding a black and white photo.

The middle-aged man in the gray robe is my master.

My master didn't seem to know that my family lived here, and he never noticed it, and followed the woman's hearse slowly along the way.

"En." Although I replied, I unconsciously sighed deeply and stroked my swollen belly.

I am also a parent, so I can best understand what it feels like when my child is hurt or lost.

Not only the female owner of this restaurant suffered misfortune, her son who was still in elementary school died.

Recently, in the past few days, women's cries have often been heard in the community.

Most of these women are not long after giving birth and are still in confinement.But when I found out that the child was lost, I couldn't care less about not being able to blow the wind during the confinement period, so I searched like crazy.

The sound of crying made me worry too.

Huang Pizi was playing tricks, and I don't know when someone took care of these beasts.

"Zi, don't worry, Fengchu's prestige won't last long, your husband, I will not let him continue to do evil." Xingxuan is a ghost, these things can be kept out of it, although I wanted to beg him in my heart, but I never said it out.

He took the initiative to promise me, every word is worth a thousand dollars.

My tears burst out, and I lay on his chest and asked him in a low voice: "Xingxuan, why are you so nice? Why are you so nice?"

"You gave me a heart for you. I will no longer be ignorant, loveless and hateful. Let me suddenly understand that there are some things I can't stay out of. Protecting you and human beings is what I will do in the future." Xingxuan picked me up and brought me back to the room with tears on my face.

"Is it really good to have a heart? If you have a heart, your heart will hurt. If you have a heart, you will soften your heart. If you have a heart..." will give birth to more compassion, and will make you a lot of burdens. You have no responsibility to protect human beings.


Is this really good for a ghost?
He put me on the bed and gently wiped away my tears, "Is it okay to have a heartache? Zi, you know? I haven't had a heartache for thousands of years..."

"No one likes heartache!" I smiled helplessly through my tears, lightly touched Xingxuan's side face, and asked him with a trembling corner of my mouth, "Do you want to practice dual cultivation today?"

"Want it?" he asked me.

I wholeheartedly helped him cultivate, and I didn't know whether I wanted it or not, so I nodded stupidly.

I always felt a little ignorant about that kind of thing, so I practiced with him in a daze.Although it felt wonderful, when I thought about it, I couldn't lift my head shyly.

He raised his eyebrows, pinched my face, and comforted me in a soft voice, "I'm afraid I won't be able to do it today. I need to settle down to consolidate yesterday's cultivation, and it will take a long time. I just want you to be by my side... "

"Well, I'll watch over you."

I was lying on my side, stroking the fetal movement in my belly and staring at Xingxuan with closed eyes.

I've always had a lively personality, so it would definitely be unrealistic for me to lie still and accompany Xingxuan all the time.

After lying down for a while, I felt bored, so I took out my phone and played some small games.

Probably due to the sleepiness of pregnant women, as long as conditions permit, I can fall asleep at any time.

I gradually became a little sleepy, and fell asleep after lying down for a long time.

I don't know how long it took before I heard the sound of jingling bells. This is the sound of my master's bell. He seems to have arrived near my house.

Otherwise, the sound of the bell would not have entered the bedroom.

I opened my eyes, the room was pitch black, and the time on the phone was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

I fell asleep for about six hours. Xingxuan was extremely focused and hardly disturbed by the outside world. He crossed his legs like a Buddha statue.

The hand formula in the hand is constantly changing, and the speed block is about to produce afterimages.

I was dazzled, a little dizzy, and I felt a little hungry, like going out to see if there was any leftover dinner for me.

Just as he walked into the kitchen wearing slippers, he heard a woman crying outside, crying very sadly.

The crying was mixed with the voiceless and melodious bells, and I personally felt very sad. I think it was my master who came to seek justice for that woman.

But why come here...

The woman asked as she cried, "Master Dao, are they really up there?"

Hearing this, I spit out the croissant from my mouth in an instant, rushed to the door and opened it.

Huang Pizi!
Those yellow-skinned people who kill people without blinking an eye, are actually on it, where is it?

Is my house upstairs?
The master was leading a red thread from downstairs, and comforted the woman, saying, "Faithless believers, please be safe and don't be impatient. I will tie the red thread and set up a trap, and I will capture them in one fell swoop."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw me standing at the door with disheveled hair, and was stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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