Chapter 1098

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

Thor broke out, and Odin's power exploded. After all, it was his own, and he picked up Mjolnir again!

Thor roared, holding Thor's Hammer in his hand, and the lightning arcs swirled around, turning into a dense net that covered the sky and the earth.


In an instant, the mighty, powerful Destroyer was knocked down again!
Thor stepped on the huge body of the Destroyer, put Thor's Hammer on it, immobilized the metal stack, and said angrily:
"Loki, you wait for me in God's Domain, I will definitely beat you until you don't even know your father!"

Asgard, Loki remotely controls the Destroyer.It's a pity that under the bug of Thor's Hammer, the Destroyer can't turn over no matter what.

In desperation, with the help of the Destroyer's body, Loki smiled coldly: "Sol, I'm waiting for you to come back!"

After the words fell, Thor smashed the Destroyer to pieces with a hammer, and destroyed its internal core energy with the power of thunder, making it unable to regenerate.

At this time, the battle was over, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that the metal giant who seemed to have walked out of the Terminator could no longer stand up.

"Thank you!"

On the other side, Xu Yi put Jane down from his arms, and Jane said with a slightly red face.

"You're welcome. Jane, although you didn't win, you didn't lose either!" Xu Yi encouraged.

"Wow, Jane, you're just amazing!" My best friend Darcy came over, looking at Jane who had just shown off her might, with a look of admiration in her eyes.

"But Jane, this kind of thing is too dangerous. Don't do it in the future." Professor Silverig taught with a serious face.

Jane's parents died in a car accident when she was a child, and she was raised by him.

He and Jane's parents are good friends, if something happens to Jane, he really can't explain it.

"Got it." Jane looked helplessly at Sylvig, the uncle who had taken care of her since childhood.

"Jane, are you okay!" Sol walked over emotionally.

"Sol, I'm fine, it was Xu who saved me."

Jane replied, looking at the Chinese man in front of her with gratitude.

Saul looked guilty and blamed himself: "Jane, I will feel uneasy if something happens to you."

"Sol, you don't have to blame yourself, I took the initiative to do it just now. Xu is right, I can't always stand behind, do nothing, and rely on everyone's protection.

If I don't try some things, maybe I will have regrets for the rest of my life! "

Jane said that although it was a thrilling experience just now, it was really exciting for her who spent the first half of her life doing scientific research.

"Sol, can you pick up a hammer?" Xu Yi asked with a half-smile.

This smile was very strange in Sol's eyes. He scratched his head and scratched his long golden hair, and said:
"I don't know what happened. The moment Jane's life was in danger. There was a brand new thunder force condensed in my body. At that time, I discovered that the connection with Mjolnir has never been broken."

"Perhaps this is what my father intended, I seem to understand! The qualities that a true monarch really needs." Sol said.

Although after this incident, he is no longer attached to the throne, and he has let go of many previous paranoia in his heart!
"Then congratulations!" Xu Yi said.

"Sol, we should go! God's Domain needs you to restore order!" The goddess of war Sif came over with a solemn expression.

Although he was reluctant to give up, Sol also knew what he needed most at the moment, and looked at the crowd and said:
"Jane, Xu, Darcy, Silvig, we will meet again!"

"Goodbye!" Jane waved her hand with a smile on her face, thinking that this damn weird thing was finally over.


Sol misunderstood Jane's meaning that he was looking forward to the next meeting, and his heart wavered, thinking: "It will definitely!"

The next moment, he raised Thor's Hammer, and a beam of light gathered in the sky, covering Asgard's group and traveling towards the vast universe.

"This is the cross-latitude interstellar shuttle technology! Or is it magic in mythology?" Professor Silvig looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but marvel.

"Why not call it natural magic integrated with technology, magic technology!" Xu Yi laughed.

"Magic technology!"

Jane's eyes brightened, she always felt that a particularly important link was missing in astronomical research, which made her very distressed.

But now after what Xu Yi said, she knew where the problem was.

Magic, she has always ignored the existence of magic, excitedly gave Xu Yi a big hug, and said excitedly: "Xu, you are such a genius!"

"well enough."

Xu Yi looked embarrassed, and couldn't help but glance at the direction Sol left.He was relieved to find that he had really left.

This foreign girl is too unrestrained, hugging each other, kissing and eating and drinking water!

Damn capitalist society!If you can, then please be more evil!

I make a great wish to someone, and I must use my own power to completely eliminate the source of the evil of capitalism, and let all the crimes be imposed on me alone!

Of course, this was just Xu Yi's random thoughts. At this time, his best friend Darcy coughed and looked at his sisters thoughtfully!
Is it the female doctor who has been hungry for more than 20 years, and finally started to let herself go!
Well done, come on!It's just that you can be a little reserved, everyone is watching!
Jane heard Darcy's cough, realized her gaffe, and quickly stepped back and explained: "I'm sorry, Xu, I'm too excited."

"It's okay, Jane. Selfless devotion to a great academic achievement is very precious." Xu Yi said calmly.

When Xu Yi said such beautiful words, Jane couldn't understand that Xu Yi was looking for steps for her, his face was as red as a ripe apple.

"Wow, wow ~~"

At this moment, the sound of loud police car horns came over.

A group of black police cars quickly arrived and surrounded the outskirts of the town. A group of heavily armed special police quickly got out of the car and sealed off the scene.

Agent Coulson, who was wearing a neat suit and combed black hair, said seriously:
"Everyone, we meet again, are you all right, but it seems that we are a step late."

Seeing this, Xu Yi couldn't help complaining in his heart. Sure enough, in capitalist countries, the police always arrive after the incident is over.

Of course, the complaints belonged to the complaints, and then suddenly it was abnormal again!

Sparks appeared in the void, and a human-sized hole appeared out of thin air, and a bald woman wearing a brand new yellow monk robe came out of it.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that after the woman came out, the others turned a blind eye and remained motionless as if they hadn't seen it.

At this time, Xu Yi discovered that the space he was in was separated from the outside world, and everything was opposite to it, as if he was in a mirrored space.

"Meet you for the first time, a guest from the multiverse!"

The bald female monk nodded slightly. Her facial features were very delicate, but not beautiful at all. There was an inexplicable weirdness in matching them together.

"Ancient One!" Seeing this person's attire and remembering what Odin had said to him, a name appeared in Xu Yi's mind.

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(End of this chapter)

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