Chapter 580 Tang San and Xu Yi

That rainy night six years ago.

After Xu Yi regained consciousness, he saw a mad man wielding a black sledgehammer smashing a man holding a silver scepter half to death!
There is also a group of unknown people in black who were smashed into blood by this man's hammer, crying loudly!
When everything was calm, the man holding the hammer, with blood dripping in his hand, and the baby in his arms, came to Xu Yi with cold eyes.

It was at this moment that Xu Yi discovered a terrible fact.

He became smaller, and turned into a baby again!

He wanted to speak, but the only sound he could make was "Wah wah wah..."

Looking at the blood-stained man with a sledgehammer in his hand, Xu Yi was really afraid that this man would hit him with a hammer in a frenzy.

The man glanced at Xu Yi, the black sledgehammer turned into a beam of light and disappeared, and he squatted down slowly.

There was a touch of softness in the cold eyes, and he hugged the baby Xu Yi in his arms and disappeared into the rainy night.

So Xu Yi was adopted, and started a brand-new legend in a brand-new foreign world, step by step...

just now.

After Tang San left, Xu Yi was the only one left on the hill outside Holy Soul Village.

Then he lay down with his back facing the soft grass, squinted his eyes, enjoyed the sunbath, picked a piece of dogtail grass and put it in his mouth, and started the legendary "practice" with his legs crossed.

Do you keep thinking while practicing?Why wasn't he erased by the clearer's bullets.

You must know that the bullet came across the world and shot him!It's too cruel!

Then he also asked the system, and the system told him a seemingly reasonable reason:
"It may be that when the silver bullet passed through the plane barrier, most of its power was offset by the turbulence of time and space.

So the remaining power of the bullet is only to turn him into a baby, not enough to change further. "

Fortunately, although he has become a baby, his strength is still there.

It's just that it was sealed in the body by unknown reasons to form six seals.

The six seals correspond to the six realms of Qi training, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying, leaving the body, and transforming the gods.

If all six seals are broken, the cultivation base can be restored.

As for the Human Immortal Martial Arts, it is the original physical body, but because it becomes a baby and its body is fragile, the acupoints and orifices cannot absorb the vitality of the world and are passively closed. It needs to be re-cultivated, but it is easier, and everything will come naturally.

Silently Yun the Absolute Beginning Sword Determination Method, and the Xingyun Meditation Map of Tianyong City.

Slight traces of heaven and earth aura were drawn into the veins of the limbs, nourishing the body and impacting the first seal at the same time.

From a distance, a half-person tall child was lying on the grass and glowing, forming an extremely strange scene.

Tang San returned to the dilapidated blacksmith's shop depressed. Compared with other houses in the village, his house was relatively simple.

Three wooden huts were randomly put together with some thatched grass, but they seemed to be habitable, and they still leaked rain in rainy weather.

As for his father, he has been drinking for as long as he can remember and never stopped.

When I am happy, I help others to make some change, which can support the family's economy for ten and a half months.

When he was unhappy, he drank alcohol and slept on it for ten days and a half months. He didn't care about anything, probably even his son had been forgotten!
Fortunately, he came here through time travel, has the soul of an adult, and has a lot of mature thinking!

Otherwise, whoever encountered such a cheating son would have starved to death many times.


Father Tang Hao's resounding snoring can be heard through the door curtain!
Although Tang San was depressed, he was mature and sensible after all.

Moved a small stone bench to stand on it, approached the stove, and started cooking.


"Little Sanzi, is the rice ready? I'm starving to death!"

After training, Xu Yi came in from the door and asked with a smile on his face.

But at this moment, Tang San just put three bowls of porridge on the table, plus some Tangmen's special radish pickles.

"Brother, it's time for you to come back." Tang San glanced at Xu Yi, and said involuntarily.

"That is."

Xu Yi also had a thick skin, but it was made of fine iron, he sat directly on the stool, and ate it unceremoniously.

Maybe it's because of a new life, the mind has become younger and more active, and the youth's heart has sprouted.

"Wait, brother. Dad hasn't eaten yet?"

I saw Tang San's young arm slid across Xu Yi's body like a spirit snake, lightly snatched the bowl from Xu Yi's hand, and put it on the table.

"This method? As expected of a time traveler, controlling the crane and catching the dragon? It's wonderful."

Xu Yi thought to himself, looking at Tang San, the smile on his face became more and more intense.

"Old man, get up and eat!"

At the same time, Xu Yi raised his voice and yelled, the voice was so loud that even passers-by on the street a hundred meters away could hear them, all of them showed strange expressions.

Soon, the snoring in the room disappeared.The rag curtain was pulled open by a bronzed, calloused hand.

A middle-aged man with rebellious hair and an extremely decadent appearance slowly walked out, looked at Xu Yi with cloudy and vicissitudes of life, Tang San glanced at him, sat down on the stool without saying too much, and directly picked up a Drink up the bowl of porridge in one gulp.

Then he turned around and went back to the room and fell asleep. After a few seconds, the earth-shattering grunt sounded rhythmically again.

"Father keeps going on like this, will his body not be able to bear it?" Seeing this, Tang San's immature face showed a hint of worry.

It's just that what he said was in vain, Xu Yi was burying his head in his porridge.

"Brother, aren't you worried about father at all?" Tang San couldn't help saying seeing Xu Yi's heartless appearance.

Hearing this, Xu Yi stopped drinking the porridge, thinking in his heart:
"Does he need to worry about the youngest titled Douluo in the Douluo Continent?"

But he still said, "What's the use of worrying? The old man has chosen to live with such an attitude. Can Xiao San make the old man change his mind?"

Tang San couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard Xu Yi's words, his father had been very indifferent to him since he was a child.

He didn't even speak completely and completely, how could he listen to him after finishing a sentence calmly!
"Hurry up and eat, if you don't eat, little San, brother won't keep you." Xu Yi said.

Originally Tang San felt very depressed in his heart, after all he had the thinking of an adult, and his thoughts were extremely complicated, with many worries.

But after listening to Xu Yi's words, in the process of communicating with Xu Yi.Although I didn't get the desired result, for some reason, my heart relaxed a lot.

Maybe it's because Xu Yi's optimistic attitude indirectly influenced him, making him gradually embark on the path of heartlessness and optimism.

"Little San, Xiao Yi!"

At this time, an old voice came from the street outside the house.

Xu Yi and Tang San looked at each other, got up and walked out the door.

On the street stood an old man who looked to be in his 60s.

He is slender and in good spirits, his clothes are clean and tidy, and his hair is combed meticulously. Compared with that alcoholic Tang Hao, he is simply two extremes.

"Grandpa Jack!" Tang San shouted.

Walking slowly to the old man, the old man caressed the top of Tang San's head lovingly, showing a doting look.

As for Xu Yi, he folded his chest and glanced at his mouth, looking like a brat.

If you want him to run up to pretend to be cute and get killed by patting his head, he might as well find a piece of tofu and crash him to death!

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(End of this chapter)

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