Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1019 Ask Liu Lijuan for money

Chapter 1019 Ask Liu Lijuan for money
Lu Chunqin pointed at Su Dahai's nose and said cursingly, "Su Dahai, do you mean that you really don't know the situation of our Su family?
Although the family still has a few acres of land, it will cost a lot to use in the future.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that our son will spend a lot of money to go to school in the future. We still have to eat and drink, and we have to spend money everywhere.

If we don't ask for more from Su Qingyao now, where can we get so much money? "

Su Dahai curled his lips and said, "Let's take this matter slowly! We can't get money from Yao'er girl, so we can think of other ways! The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, so worry about it now do what?"

Seeing Su Dahai like this, Lu Chunqin became even more angry, "Su Dahai, what are you talking about?

What does it mean when the boat reaches the bridge head naturally straight?If you don’t want to think of ways to plan for a rainy day now, where will you suddenly take the money in the future?
Let me tell you, the son of our family must be educated, and we will count on him to gain fame and become a talent in the future.Lead us to live a good life. If you don't prepare some money now, it will not be so easy to get money suddenly.

Su Dahai, if you feel sorry for our tiger, you have to figure out a way to get money from Su Qingyao. "

Su Dahai took a deep breath and said leisurely, "Can't Lijuan ask for some money?
She married into the Xu family and became the young mistress of the Xu family. She should have a lot of money in her hand. Didn't you ask for some back before?With Lijuan studying in our Huermeng school, she must not have to worry about money, so why can't she live on?As long as you old lady likes to worry, I don't think there is anything to worry about at all. "

If it was left in the past, Lu Chunqin would probably think that what Su Dahai said was good. With Liu Lijuan as her mother, she would not have to worry about not having a good life, let alone the cost of her son's schooling in the future.

But it's different now.

Since Liu Lijuan was not welcomed by Xu Yi, and she did not help the Xu family give birth to a son, life in the Xu family was not easy at all.

She is a little girl herself, so how can she have money to help her?

If it wasn't for this, Lu Chunqin wouldn't have thought of coming to Su Qingyao to search for some. Was it because he was poor and had no money to live on?
"Lijuan? Su Dahai, are you ashamed to ask Lijuan for money? You are just a stepfather, not his real father, why are you counting on her?
Su Dahai, you have no heart, you only know how to love your own daughter but not my daughter!It really pissed me off!Su Qingyao's life is so good now, if you don't ask Su Qingyao for money, you actually got my Lijuan's idea, what about your face?What a shame! "

Lu Chunqin started cursing at Su Dahai, because she was very angry, so when Lu Chunqin scolded Su Dahai very fiercely, all the spittle flew all over Su Dahai's face.

Su Dahai was also a little angry for a while, "You mother-in-law, why are you so unreasonable?
What do you mean I'm just a stepfather, so I shouldn't count on Lijuan?
Anyway, she has also been raised by our Su family for a few years, right?I also have the grace of nurturing!
When she got married back then, she married into a big family like the Xu family, so I sold a few acres of land and bought her a dowry, just to prevent her from losing face and being looked down upon by the Xu family. Even my daughter and son can't do this, she should be filial to me now. "

(End of this chapter)

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