Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1041 Let the big house take advantage

Chapter 1041 Let the big house take advantage

Su Qingyao saw that Mrs. Su's complexion was not very good. It wasn't because of poor health. It was because I didn't eat well and couldn't keep up with my nutrition. I guess I worked very hard at home on weekdays, working hard for the eldest family of the Su family. This is how you work.

Mrs. Su must eat something good, nourish her body, and take care of herself, so her situation will get better.

After Su Qingyao finished speaking, Jin Hua immediately responded with a smile, "Mother, what girl Qingyao said is that you should accept her filial piety, so don't reject her filial piety again."

Jin Hua said this because she wanted Mrs. Su to accept what Su Qingyao gave, and the more Su Qingyao gave, the better.

Because as long as Mrs. Su picks it up, the things don't just belong to Mrs. Su, but the whole family can enjoy the blessings along with them.

Looking at the two catties of pork and two fishes in Su Qingyao's hands, Jin Hua seemed to be eating the taste of fish, and couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva.

How could Su Qingyao and Mrs. Su not understand the purpose of Jin Hua's words.

Mrs. Su didn't want to accept it at first, but Su Qingyao warned Jin Hua, "I gave these things to grandma, so don't make any plans."

Jin Hua's face darkened, she curled her lips and said to Su Qingyao, "Girl Qingyao, what do you mean?"

"Don't auntie understand what I mean?"

"I...we don't make any plans. The family speaks two different languages. Your grandma lives with us and eats together. Is it possible that a pot of meat has to be cooked separately? We can't taste it. Take a bite?"

Su Qingyao said coldly, "You can eat, I won't interfere too much with this, after all, you do live together.

But I have to remind you that I gave this to my grandma. If you want me to continue to give it to you in the future, you can follow suit. When eating, grandma must eat more than half of it alone. If I know, you will take up most of the portion. , I will not be polite to you. "

Su Qingyao also knew that she actually gave Mrs. Su something, and it was unrealistic not to want the Dafang people to take any advantage.

This is the only way to tell the people in the big house that they can enjoy the blessings with them, and the premise must be that there is due protection for Mrs. Su.

As long as Mrs. Su is too good, Su Qingyao is willing to let the eldest family member of the Su family take advantage of it.

Jin Hua pulled the corners of her mouth. Although she felt uncomfortable listening to Su Qingyao's words, thinking that Su Qingyao could send more things over in the future, and they could take advantage of it, Jin Hua didn't argue with Su Qingyao, but said embarrassingly, "Qingyao Girl, don't worry, how can we take all the things you gave your grandma? Hers is still hers, and we will only eat if we are willing to let us eat more, otherwise we won't eat much. "

Su Qingyao responded lightly, and then said a few more words to Mrs. Su before separating from Mrs. Su.

Seeing Mrs. Su's expression of reluctance for her and Xiao Baozi, Su Qingyao's heart was also slightly sour.

The old lady Su treats her and Xiao Baozi just like her grandfather treated her in the previous life, the love and concern of the elders are always so deep.

Looking at the back of Mrs. Su leaving, Su Qingyao was thoughtful, thinking that her grandfather in the previous life was a little bit overwhelmed.

Qin Sheng patted Su Qingyao lightly, and said, "Daughter-in-law, don't you miss grandma?"

(End of this chapter)

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