Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1046 He came to fight

Chapter 1046 He came to fight

Su Qingyao was able to go in because she was specially ordered by Master Meng. In addition, she followed Mu Siya, even if Master Meng didn't speak, it didn't matter. Mu Siya, Mu Shaoqing and Bai Luotian were free to take anyone out. Zhuangzi's.

In the past, the guards on Zhuangzi were not so strict. Since the incident with Liu Xiaolan, the guards on Zhuangzi have been tightened up, and ordinary people are not allowed to come in at will.

That's why Qin Sheng was blocked by the guards guarding the door this time.

Qin Sheng became even more angry, "I don't care, I just want to find my wife, if you don't let me get out of the way, I will do something!"

The guard at the gate replied displeasedly, "If you continue to make trouble, don't blame us for being rude."

Qin Sheng rolled up his sleeves angrily, as if he was about to fight, "Come here, who is afraid of whom? I have never been afraid of a few people!"

Just when Qin Sheng was about to make a move, Su Qingyao hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, "I've come out, so don't come in."

Seeing Su Qingyao, Qin Sheng stopped his movements.

"Daughter-in-law, you're finally out!" Qin Sheng said excitedly.

Su Qingyao left Zhuangzi and pulled Qin Sheng's sleeve, "Why did you come to Zhuangzi?"

"Come to fight?"

"Uh... Who are you fighting with?"

"That Mu Shaoqing!"

"What's the matter? Did someone provoke you again?"

Qin Sheng shook his head, "No!"

"Then what do you say you came to fight with him?"

"Daughter-in-law... I saw that you haven't come back from Zhuangzi for so long, and I was very anxious, so I wondered if that Mu Shaoqing was pestering you again.

If that guy pesters you, I'll fight him!Let's see if he still thinks about my wife! "Qin Sheng said, still looking annoyed.

The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched a few times, "You guys really know how to make up your mind!
It was Mu Siya who was going back to the capital tomorrow, so I talked to her a few more words, but I didn't meet Mu Shaoqing. "

After hearing Su Qingyao's words, Qin Sheng heaved a sigh of relief, "That's how my daughter-in-law is!

That's great, Mu Siya is going back to the capital, and that Mu Shaoqing is going back tomorrow, so there's no way to pester you in the village. "

Su Qingyao nodded, "Yes, even if he doesn't go back, he probably won't come to provoke me."

"Daughter-in-law, it's better to leave, anyway, I'm very annoyed when I see that guy."

"Are you afraid that I will be robbed?"

"Well...of course I'm afraid!" Qin Sheng admitted honestly.

Su Qingyao raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why are you afraid that I will be robbed?"

"Because hello, daughter-in-law, you are so beautiful and capable, and you are missed by so many men behind you, and the conditions are so good, how can I not be afraid of you being snatched away. won't leave me, will you?I can't bear to let you leave me... My life would be meaningless without you..." Qin Sheng became more and more worried as he spoke, for fear that one day Su Qingyao would really leave him, he couldn't even imagine that Su Qingyao had left What would his life be like.

Su Qingyao said with a slight smile, "Of course not! You think I was robbed, and I thought you would be robbed. After all, your condition is not bad, and there are many women who miss you. Who made you the number one in ten miles and eight towns?" What a handsome man."

Qin Sheng shook his head resolutely, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will never leave you as your husband-in-law. I don't like those women outside. I only have you in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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