Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1049 Qin Sheng's Skills

Chapter 1049 Qin Sheng's Skills

Qin Sheng nodded and agreed without hesitation, "Sure, if the sixth younger brother is better than me, then I'll hand over the accounting work in my shop to him!"

Anyway, Qin Sheng had the self-confidence in his heart that he was stronger than Qin Kui, and what he promised verbally would never come true.

Yin Cuihua nodded, "Then let's compare quickly!"

In order to show justice, this topic also specially called a person in the village who had studied for several years to come over.

"Sixteen coins for a catty of meat, how much money would it cost to buy 25 catties of meat?" asked the questioner.

Qin Sheng calculated in his mind for a few seconds, and immediately blurted out, "A total of [-] Wen is needed!"

Qin Kui was muttering, before he could figure out why, Qin Sheng answered first.

The question maker nodded, "Brother Qin Sheng got the answer right, I'm continuing to make questions!
A catty of chicken is 26 renminbi. Now there are five chickens in total, one chicken three catties, one chicken four catties, one chicken five catties, one chicken six catties, and one chicken seven catties. How much money did you spend in total? "

After the questioner finished speaking, Qin Sheng immediately did the math and answered quickly, "It takes 650 characters in total!"

The questioner looked at Qin Sheng in surprise. He didn't expect Qin Sheng to answer such a difficult question by doing some calculations.It took him a long time to figure out the problem at the beginning.

Qin Sheng, an uneducated person, is even better at counting than him.

Seeing that the questioner didn't speak, Qin Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong? Could it be that my calculation is wrong? It shouldn't be possible? My calculation is clear enough!"

The questioner quickly waved his hand and explained, "No, no, you are right, but I didn't expect Brother Qin Sheng to be so good, you can count in seconds! This question is not easy, how can you do it so well? How soon?"

Qin Sheng chuckled, "Let's do the math like that, according to the method my daughter-in-law taught me, I don't think it's too difficult!"

Qin Sheng used the Arabic arithmetic method in his heart, and felt that the calculation was very fast. This kind of oral calculation problem was not difficult for him at all.

It was thanks to Su Qingyao that he could calculate so quickly.

Yin Cuihua couldn't believe it, is this still her son?
The fifth child who has never been educated has become so capable under Su Qingyao's training?

Look at the sixth child again!

He hesitated and failed to answer two consecutive questions, and fell behind Qin Sheng. If this continues, he will definitely lose.

Yin Cuihua looked at the questioner suspiciously, and asked, "Did you and my fifth child collude? Is this right?"

The questioner looked at Yin Cuihua displeasedly, "Aunt Qin, what are you talking about? You called me to come over to help with the question? Now you suspect that I am colluding with your fifth brother? I am thankless help?

All right, all right, if you don't believe me, then find someone else, I'm too lazy to help you! "

The author of the question waved his hands as he spoke, as if to leave.

Yin Cuihua hurriedly stopped him, "I'm just talking, why should you take it to heart, it's just weird..."

The author of the question snorted softly, "What's so strange? These are all arithmetic problems in serious books. If you want to say something strange, it should be the fifth child in your family. People who have never studied can still be so good. .”

Yin Cuihua twitched the corner of her mouth, "I just don't think this topic should be counted..."

(End of this chapter)

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