Chapter 1056

Xu Yi was still unwilling to say, "Yao'er, everything I do is for you, as long as I am with you, I am willing to do anything, can't you see my sincerity now?"

Su Qingyao didn't listen to Xu Yi's long-winded words, but waved her hand and said directly, "Go away, don't give me long-winded words."

"Yao'er, I won't leave, if you don't agree to marry me, I will keep pestering you until you agree.

I must impress you with my sincerity and let you see my sincerity. "

"I don't need your sincerity, as long as you get out!" Su Qingyao said in a cold voice.


Xu Yi wanted to pester him again, but Qin Sheng had already heard the commotion in the room.

He just wanted to know why Xu Yi came here, so he came here to poach someone!
Grandma, I really don't think of him as a human being, but I miss his wife!

If you don't let him quietly know how powerful he is, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!

Qin Sheng jumped out of the room all of a sudden, and strung it in front of Xu Yi. Before he could let go of the pig's small intestine, he took the pig's small intestine as a rope and strangled it around Xu Yi's neck. Cursing, "I can't strangle you to death, let's see if you dare to do it in the future!"

Xu Yi didn't expect Qin Sheng to come out suddenly, so he was caught off guard.

In addition, Xu Yi suffered a little more than Qin Sheng, his whole body was tightly controlled by Qin Sheng, and his neck was strangled so hard that he couldn't breathe.

"Let go...let me go...cough cough cough..." Xu Yi struggled, trying to break free from Qin Sheng's grasp.

Qin Sheng ignored Xu Yi at all, but angrily said, "Let you go? Good idea!
If you come to my house to poach my daughter-in-law's corner, I will strangle you to death! "

"Ah..." Xu Yi was in pain from being strangled.

Although a pig's small intestine is not a very strong thing, but Qin Cheng stretched it round and round, and it was no worse than a rope.

The servants who came with Xu Yi saw Qin Sheng treat Xu Yi like this, and they were also in a panic.

"Let go of my young master!"

"Let go of my young master!"

"What are you doing, you can't be unreasonable to my young master."

Qin Sheng was too lazy to talk to these people, "He provoked me first, and I didn't want to deal with him. Now I just teach him a lesson, let's see if he dares to do anything to me."

After Qin Sheng finished speaking, Xu Yi's servants still didn't let go of Qin Sheng's hands, and Xu Yi's servants shouted again, "Help me, save me! Quick...cough me!"

The servants were afraid that people would be killed. If something happened to Xu Yi, it would be difficult to talk to the master and wife when he went back.

They had no choice but to rush to Qin Sheng, ready to rescue Xu Yi from Qin Sheng's hands.

However, these servants of the Xu family were not very capable. As soon as they rushed to Qin Sheng, Qin Sheng kicked them out and kicked them away.

In the past, Qin Sheng might not have been that powerful, but since he learned kung fu from Su Qingyao, Qin Sheng has become much stronger now, able to deal with several people.

The servants couldn't beat Qin Sheng, so they could only watch Qin Sheng strangle Xu Yi's neck, and then Xu Yi's face turned red from being strangled.

The servants of Xu's family were really afraid that Xu Yi would really die if this continued, so they rushed to Su Qingyao who was beside him and said, "Girl, please persuade your family's husband, if this really causes trouble, your family will also get into trouble." .”

(End of this chapter)

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