Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1062 Qin Kui went to steal the chicken

Chapter 1062 Qin Kui went to steal the chicken

In addition, these days are relatively busy, Su Qingyao really doesn't have much energy to do that with Qin Sheng.

"Daughter-in-law, that's all right. I'll wrap up a quilt and go to my parents' place to sleep after I finish cooking the cured meat in these two days."

"Good~" Su Qingyao smiled.

Qin Sheng quickly suppressed the displeasure in his heart, and instead imagined the scene of marrying Su Qingyao.

Marriage is a great event, and it must be done with dignity.

This matter is not only for him to work on, but also to talk to Liu Dazhu, so that everyone can help him, and he must handle it well.

As for Su Qingyao, this time the marriage has a situation, and there must be a congratulations.

He will ask Wang Jinlan to accompany Su Qingyao to the town tomorrow, and ask someone to make a wedding dress for him in the clothing store. There is still half a month to go.

As for Su Qingyao's jewelry, he should spend more money to buy some back. He must make Su Qingyao the most beautiful bride in the village and the envy of all women.

He wanted to make up for what he owed Su Qingyao, and make Su Qingyao the happiest woman on the day they got married.

The two were chatting, and before they knew it, it was sunset, and the light in the room was dim.And Su Qingyao also filled the sausage after a lot of effort.

It's a pity that there is no sun, and there is no way to take it out to dry. Su Qingyao hung up the sausage and put it in a ventilated place in the house to dry. It can be taken out in the morning tomorrow and hung in the yard to dry for six or seven days. You can eat it in one day.

The sun is very hot these days, it is better to dry things.

As for salted meat and salted fish, it is easier to make. Su Qingyao has already made it, hung it in the yard for a day, and collected it at night, and hung it in the house.

Take it out tomorrow and continue to dry it.

Qin Sheng looked at the sausage made by Su Qingyao. After cleaning the pig's small intestine, it didn't smell so bad. The sausage looked delicious. He wanted to dry the sausage quickly so that he could try it earlier. smell.

In the evening, Su Qingyao washed up and went to bed early.

However, there was a person on the Qin family's side who sneaked out of the house in the middle of the night.

This person is Qin Kui.

In the middle of the night, almost every household was sleeping, but Qin Kui chose this time to wake up for a reason.

Qin Kui pondered for a long time, and found that he knew nothing and had no other skills. He wanted to find a good job, and it might be difficult to support Lin Ruyue. Silver back.

He heard that his second brother stole the family's chickens and sold them in the town, and bought gifts for the cheating daughter-in-law in exchange for money.

Inspired by this incident, Qin Kui thought that he could also learn from his second brother and went to steal some chickens to sell.

The Qin family's chickens have basically been killed and eaten by Lin Ruyue. The remaining few hens have to be kept to lay eggs. They have to make eggs for Lin Ruyue to eat every day. Naturally, the chickens in the family cannot be stolen. , then you have to steal from others.

Every household in this country raises chickens. Especially at the end of the year, the price of chickens in the town has risen a bit, and it is easy to sell them.

Before Qin Kui decided to steal the chicken, he also thought about it in his heart, and felt that it was the most suitable thing to do.

If you can steal a few chickens a night, you can earn hundreds of Wen. A chicken weighs three catties, thirty Wen per catty, and a chicken is almost a hundred Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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