Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1066 Let Lele guard the chicken coop

Chapter 1066 Let Lele guard the chicken coop

Thinking that if the chicken thief didn't bring it out, the chickens of other people in the village might be stolen again, so everyone was trembling, for fear that the chicken thief would visit their house next time and give away all their chickens. steal.

Many villagers have a dike in their hearts. They must pay attention to the movement in the chicken coop at night, so as not to let the chicken thief catch the opportunity.

Aunt Zheng's had a whole morning's fun here, and the villagers went back one after another.

After Su Qingyao came back from the town, she heard about it from Wang Jinlan.

Wang Jinlan specifically told Su Qingyao, "Sister Qingyao, you also have so many chickens at home, so you have to be careful, don't let chicken thieves take the opportunity to steal your chickens.

It's not easy to raise chicks these days, so much food is wasted, and I can't bear to eat it myself, let alone being stolen. "

Su Qingyao nodded heavily in response, "Well, sister-in-law Jinlan, I know, don't worry, no one can steal my chickens, don't forget that there is Lele in my house, and I don't trust anyone with Lele's caretaker." If you have the guts to come to my house to steal a chicken, I will let Lele kill him!"

After Su Qingyao finished speaking, Lele seemed to know that Su Qingyao was talking about it, so she ran up to Su Qingyao wagging her tail, trying to please her.

Su Qingyao smiled and touched Lele's head, "Lele, I know you understand, from now on the chicken coop at home will be handed over to you to take care of, if you find out who comes to the house to steal the chicken, you will bite me die, you know?"

Lele obviously understood, she wagged her tail and said "Wow, woof, woof".

Su Qingyao's smiling eyes narrowed into a curved line, "My family Lele is so obedient and awesome, I will reward you with delicious food today."

Lele continued to bark a few more times.

After growing up during this period, Lele is no longer the little milk dog that was just caught before, dying and dying.

Now Lele looks very majestic, with shiny fur, like a big wolfdog.

In the village, Lele is definitely the most majestic dog. No other dog in the village dares to howl with Lele casually.

Even adults dare not provoke Lele at will.

Xiao Baozi's favorite thing now is to take Lele to wander around the village, enjoying the prestige brought by Lele.

As long as Lele is around, other children in the village dare not bully Xiao Baozi.

Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng put the little bun at home in peace, not afraid of any accidents to the little bun. Firstly, there is Shen's help to take care of it, and secondly, there is Lele's protection.

Seeing the interaction between Su Qingyao and Lele, Wang Jinlan couldn't help being a little envious.

So he twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "Looks like I also have to catch a puppy and bring it back to raise, and keep it as a guard, so that I won't be afraid of running into little thieves."

Su Qingyao replied with a smile, "Yes, it's really good to have a puppy. Didn't we catch a puppy and come back to open the door when our Qin family lost a chicken?

Just feed it some leftovers on weekdays, and there is no need to prepare anything special to eat.Anyway, the dog doesn't think the family is poor, and he is very sincere. "

Speaking of the son of a bitch caught by Dafang, Su Qingyao thought of Yuanbao.

Yuan Bao and Le Le are both dogs, but they are treated very differently.

Dafang's life is hard now, Mrs. Wu doesn't give Yuanbao much food at all, and even tie Yuanbao up, looking pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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