Chapter 1069

Qin Fang pursed his lips and was puzzled. Of course, the reason why he knew this was from the corner of Liufang.

The room is not soundproof, and Lin Ruyue's voice is so loud, Qin Fang can easily hear all their words.

Yin Cuihua glanced at Qin Fang, and muttered, "You know this again? Let me tell you, third child, you really know a lot about the sixth room!"

Even her old lady was not as clear as Qin Fang.

Qin Fang curled his lips proudly, "That's right, mother, the sixth brother and the sixth younger sibling live next door to me, I know most of their affairs, next time if you don't know anything, just come to me Ask, and I'll talk to you."

Yin Cuihua snorted softly, but she didn't know that the youngest was very wretched, and she definitely listened to the corner on purpose at night, even though ordinary people across the room would not deliberately listen to what others said.

"Mother, now that the sixth brother and sister have been met by the sixth brother, it is estimated that the sixth brother got the money and came back. Did you find him some good job? I am also your son, so if there is any benefit, take me to get one." ?

Now our third room is living in a tight financial situation, and we are short of money. If you can also help me find a good job, so that I can earn more money, my life will be easier. "Qin begged in front of Yin Cuihua.

If it wasn't because Sanfang was really poor and didn't have much to eat, Qin Fang wouldn't even think about working.

Of course, Qin Fang didn't like this ordinary job, because it was not only tiring, but also didn't earn much money.

If you want to work, you have to do the kind of good job. The work is not heavy, but the money is paid.

Otherwise, how could his small body be able to carry heavy work?

Yin Cuihua glared at Qin Fang, "Find a good job for you? I don't want to see if you have the ability to do it! You're just lazy, who wants you?"

Qin Fang said unconvinced, "Mother, you can't say that about me, no matter how lazy I am, I'm better than my sixth brother, right?

I can do what he can do! "

Yin Cuihua spat on the ground, "Your sixth younger brother can read and write, but you don't even know a single word. How can you be able to do the job your sixth younger brother does? You are not afraid of bragging to the sky."

"Mother, you should be partial to the sixth brother. It is also your son, why are you so partial. I don't ask you to treat me as well as the sixth brother, but you don't have to be partial to this degree, right?" Qin Fang was a little sad , with a strong complaint in his tone.

If his mother could also favor him, the life of the third wife would not be like this.

"Don't give me all that stuff, my old lady doesn't have the ability to find a good job for my sixth brother!" Yin Cuihua snorted softly, but she was telling the truth.

Previously, she had hoped to talk to the fifth room and help the sixth son find an errand, but it failed, and Yin Cuihua had no other way, so this matter was put aside for the time being.

Listening to what Qin Fang said today, Yin Cuihua also became curious, "Could it be that your sixth brother has grown up and found a good job?"

Qin Fang snorted disdainfully, "Mother, don't you know the virtues of sixth brother? Where did he get the ability to find a good job by himself?"

Yin Cuihua replied unconvinced, "You brat, he is your younger brother after all, why do you underestimate him like that?"

"Mother, it's not that I don't take it lightly. The sixth brother is not good at all! He lost all the errands on the Zhuangzi, the owner of Meng Zhuang, what else can he do?"

(End of this chapter)

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