Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1075 Lesson Yuanbao

Chapter 1075 Lesson Yuanbao
Yin Cuihua expressed her doubts. Under normal circumstances, if a stranger comes to the house, the dog will definitely bark.

You may not be able to hear the noise made by the chicken thief, but you can definitely hear the sound of the dog barking at home, even if you sleep to death, that will not happen.

Reminded by Yin Cuihua, Wu immediately patted her thigh and said, "That's right, why didn't you hear Yuanbao barking last night? Half of the chickens at home were stolen, and this dead dog didn't make any noise. It's really weird!"

Yin Cuihua said again, "Could it be that your Yuan Bao doesn't know how to call out to strangers?"

Wu Shi pouted, wanting to cry very much.

That's the only way it can be!
Guessing that Yuan Bao fell asleep like them last night and didn't hear anything outside at all.

When Wu thought about it, she became a little angry. This dead dog was taken back and kept at home. In the past two days, it has been offering delicious food and drink. She just wanted Yuan Bao to help watch the door, but Yuan Bao was fine. , not at all useful.Let half of the chickens in her chicken coop be stolen!
After trying to understand the situation, Wu shi picked up the wooden stick on the ground angrily, and walked towards Yuanbao.

At this time, Yuan Bao was lying on the ground, never thinking that a danger was coming.

Waiting for Wu Shi to get close to Yuan Bao, he picked up the wooden stick on the ground and drew it towards Yuan Bao's body.

By the time you feel the pain, it's too late.

Yuan Bao suddenly jumped up from the ground in pain.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Yuan Bao clamped his tail and whimpered, and looked up at Wu Shi. As a dog, Yuan Bao didn't know why Wu Shi was so angry all of a sudden.

Obviously, Wu Shi has treated her well these days, and even fed it food. A few days ago, Yuan Bao didn't even give him food, so Yuan Bao thought that Wu Shi treated her better. Who knew Wu Shi would be like this , suddenly hit it hard.

Could this be the so-called moodiness of women? It's really scary.

However, Mrs. Wu didn't calm down after beating her for a while, and continued beating Yuanbao.

"Wow, woof..." Yuan Bao was in so much pain from the beating that he had to curl up in the corner, whimpering.

If it weren't for being tied by a rope, Yuan Bao would have wanted to escape.But because it was tied by a rope, it couldn't be pulled at all, so it could only stop at the same place and let Wu's wooden stick beat it.

Wu swears at Yuan Bao while beating him, "You dead dog, what's the use of keeping you? You don't even know how to watch the door. All the chickens in the house have been stolen! See if I don't beat you to death." !"

"Eating and drinking for free, why did I raise a dog like you? If it were someone else's dog, how could a chicken thief come to steal a chicken without barking?"

"This dead dog has caused me to lose so much. My chickens, a dozen chickens have worked so hard to raise them so big, how much money do I have to lose?"



Wu was crying and pouring out all her grievances on Yuan Bao.

Yuan Bao was in pain from the beating, but he couldn't hide, so he couldn't open his mouth to bite Wu Shi.

If Wu Shi was really bitten, the situation would be very serious. It is estimated that Wu Shi would directly beat him to death.

"Mother, stop hitting Yuan Bao, I'm going to hit Yuan Bao!" Haohao rushed over immediately when he saw Wu Shi beating Yuan Bao with a wooden stick, trying to protect Yuan Bao.

However, Wu asked Yuan Bao to step aside, "Don't block, let me continue to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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