Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1083 It Cried

Chapter 1083 It Cried

"it is good!"

Su Qingyao happened to have some money in her hand, and when she counted enough, she handed the money to Mrs. Wu, who accepted it with a smile.

By the way, he pulled Yuanbao over, and handed the dog chain to Su Qingyao's hand, "Okay, my brother and sister, my Yuanbao is yours now."

Su Qingyao looked at Yuan Bao, and Yuan Bao also looked up at it, dodging her small eyes, and whimpered a few times.

Yuan Bao seemed to know that Su Qingyao had bought it, so his body was not trembling as before, but he was also trembling.

In the past, Yuan Bao was as majestic and majestic in front of her, but now he is shrunken honestly, so it doesn't look like it used to, probably not even one-tenth of it.

"Fifth brother and sister, do you want me to kill Yuan Bao for you? Are you going to eat dog meat when you go back?" Wu Shi asked in a rare and courteous manner.

Originally, she sent it to the restaurant and had to kill it. Now that Su Qingyao gave the money and bought Yuanbao from her, Wu felt that she seemed to have the responsibility to help Su Qingyao kill it.

Qin Sheng listened to it and said excitedly, "Daughter-in-law, did you buy ingots to eat dog meat?

That's great, the ingot is so heavy, I'll call Brother Dazhu and the others over later, let them eat too, and have a dog meat hot pot together! "

As he spoke, Qin Sheng wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, looking very greedy.

Su Qingyao rolled her eyes, when did this guy become so cruel, he started eating dog meat.

Although Su Qingyao knew that many people liked to eat dog meat, she was quite repulsed.

It may be that I have watched too many movies about loyal dogs before, and I always feel that dogs are different from other animals.

"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter? Didn't you buy ingots for food?" Qin Sheng asked suspiciously.

"Of course not for food!" She didn't have this habit.

"Daughter-in-law, what did you buy the ingot for?" Qin Sheng asked.

"It's used to accompany our family's Lele, isn't it?"

"Eh..." Qin Sheng was stunned, Yuan Bao and Lele were usually at odds, if these two dogs were together, wouldn't they fight?

Su Qingyao didn't think so.

She knew that Yuan Bao was a smart dog who could read words and actions.

The reason why Lele was treated like that before was simply because Dafang and Wufang were not at odds.

If Yuan Bao is in her hands, why not listen to her?

Of course, Yuan Bao may be smart, but he is definitely not as loyal as other dogs, and he discovered it when Su Qingyao was feeding Yuan Bao.

Seeing that Su Qingyao was happy, Qin Sheng didn't say anything.

As long as the daughter-in-law is happy, he doesn't care.

Besides, buying ingots only cost a few hundred Wen, which is not a big deal.

Yuan Bao seemed to understand Su Qingyao's words, and raised a pair of dark eyes to look at Su Qingyao, with tears in his eyes for a moment.

It was the first time for Su Qingyao to see a dog crying. Although she didn't know what Yuan Bao was crying about, she was sure that Yuan Bao was quite spiritual.

A dog without spirituality probably doesn't know how to cry.

Su Qingyao untied Yuan Bao from the chain, and then said to Yuan Bao, "Now you are free, you can leave if you want, maybe you will meet someone who is willing to take you in, maybe you can only be a stray dog.

If you don't want to leave, you can follow me, but if you follow me, you have to follow the rules I said. The first condition is not to bully Lele, not to bite people, and not to bully the weak, you know? "

(End of this chapter)

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