Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1093 Offended the public anger

Chapter 1093 Offended the public anger

"Some people are like this. They look honest but they are not honest, and they are really bad-hearted and like to play these tricks behind their backs!"

"Hey, the main thing is that Qin Kui is not a thing, not to mention being a chicken thief, stealing other people's things, but even stealing from his own.

He stole Dafang's chicken before, but now he has put his hands on Wufang's head, how did the Qin family raise such a damn thing? "

"Isn't it? No one would have guessed that this chicken thief is Qin Kui. How could anyone steal from his own house? How inhuman!"

"It's a scumbag! You can't keep this kind of person!"

"What a crime, there is such a deserving thing coming out of the village."



The villagers talked a lot, basically blaming Qin Kui.

Even a thick-skinned person like Qin Kui couldn't stand being sprayed with spittle from the villagers.

In addition, Qin Kui was bitten by Lele, and his leg was oozing blood, and the pain was unbearable. He wanted to see a doctor quickly to treat his injury.

Qin Kui was very afraid that Lele would bite too deeply. Will his leg be disabled later?
If the leg is useless, he will become a cripple, and he has no money. I guess Lin Ruyue doesn't want to talk to him even more, right?

Qin Kui looked at Su Qingyao pitifully, and softly begged for mercy in front of Su Qingyao, "Fifth Sister-in-law, I was wrong, just let me go! I won't dare again!"

Su Qingyao looked at Qin Kui with a lazy expression, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I'm willing to let you go, I'm afraid other people in the village won't let you go.

You have offended everyone, not just me. "

If Qin Kui didn't come to her house to steal chickens, Su Qingyao wouldn't bother to pay attention to it. Even if she knew that Qin Kui was a chicken thief in the village, Su Qingyao wouldn't expose it to the villagers.

But it was not good for Qin Kui to steal someone's chicken, so he stretched out his thief's hand on her head.

Su Qingyao is not a person to be easily provoked. If someone angers her, she will not make others feel good.

This Qin Kui must learn a good lesson to succeed.

Qin Kui looked at the villagers who were mad at him, and looked at him with the look of wanting to kill him, Qin Kui shivered with fright.

If he pleaded guilty today, it is true that Su Qingyao does not need to pursue him, and others will kill him.

Aunt Zheng ran over staggeringly, and as soon as she saw Qin Kui, the chicken thief, she rushed up and stretched out her black claws, scratching Qin Kui's body, wishing to scratch Qin Kui's face.

"So you stole my chicken? My old woman will kill you, let you steal! Let you steal!"

"Turtle son, if you steal someone's chicken, don't you have to steal my old woman's?

Pay me, pay me! "

"The Qin family raised you, a scum, to do such sneaky things!"



Aunt Zheng's family cursed Qin Kui while hitting her.

Qin Kui wanted to resist, but he couldn't move his legs. In addition, Aunt Zheng's fighting power was stronger, so Qin Kui was no match for Aunt Zheng's.

As a result, Qin Kui suffered a lot of injuries. Aunt Zheng's aunt was more energetic and not soft-hearted at all. Qin Kui had several scratches on his face, which looked a little scary.

However, Aunt Zheng did not intend to stop.

Seeing such a "miserable" Qin Kui, Su Qingyao didn't show any sympathy, but felt that Qin Kui deserved it.

It is forgivable for God to commit evil, but he cannot live without self-inflicted evil. Qin Kui's end like this is all Qin Kui's own fault.

(End of this chapter)

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