Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1095 Don't admit that I stole it

Chapter 1095 Don't admit that I stole it

After Aunt Zheng finished speaking, Yin Cuihua was stunned, as if Aunt Zheng was talking nonsense.

Her sixth son is a chicken thief?How can it be?

Although the sixth child has no skills, he is not the kind of person who can steal chickens and dogs. How could he become a chicken thief?
Aunt Zheng's family must have deliberately fabricated rumors and pushed this kind of thing to his sixth son.

The rest of the Qin family who came to join in the fun, except for Qin Sheng, expressed their shock.

Especially Dafang looked at Qin Kui with complicated eyes.

If the chicken thief is really Qin Kui, then this brother is too shameless.

It is said that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests, how could Qin Kui have the nerve to attack his own family.

"Sixth could it be sixth brother...he is a chicken thief?" Qin An was still a little bit stunned, and muttered something in his mouth.

After all, Qin Kui is Qin An's brother, and there is still some affection between the brothers.

After being together for so many years, Qin An also has a little understanding of himself as the sixth brother.

Although it is very strange, it is not a bad person after all. Qin Kui should not have the guts to do things like stealing chickens and dogs. Why is he called a chicken thief by Aunt Zheng now?
Wu Shi didn't speak, just wanted to find out the situation of the matter and see what was going on.

It's okay if there is a misunderstanding, but if Qin Kui really stole his chicken, she won't let Qin Kui go easily.

Qin Fang wasn't surprised, he chuckled and said, "Sixth brother doesn't look like someone who can't do this kind of thing, you're just too surprised, I think this is the virtue of sixth brother."

Think about Qin Fang's ability to judge people accurately, and if he said that Qin Kui can't do it, he just can't.

Before he told the truth to Yin Cuihua, Yin Cuihua still didn't believe it, she caught him and beat and scolded him to protect Qin Kui.

Are you all right now?

Believe it or not!
Qin Fang didn't feel that Qin Kui's stealing the chicken made the Qin family ashamed, but rather took pleasure in other's misfortune.

"Sixth brother is as timid as a mouse, how dare he do things like stealing chickens and dogs, isn't he afraid of the consequences of being caught?" Qin An still murmured puzzled.

Qin Fang said, "Sixth brother is different from before, why dare not?
I guessed that the sixth brother was a chicken thief before, but unfortunately, my mother didn't believe me and beat me up, but I didn't expect it to be true now. "

Qin An's heart was filled with embarrassment.

Thinking about the brothers, Qin Kui reached out to their big room.

It seems that the friendship between brothers is about to end!

Qin Kui was able to do such a thing, so he didn't take him seriously.

After Yin Cuihua was stunned for a moment, she blushed and argued with Aunt Zheng, "Mrs. Zheng, stop spraying dung all over your mouth. How could my sixth son be a chicken thief? You have to speak responsibly, and it will damage my sixth son." Fame, I can never end with you!"

Aunt Zheng put her hands on her hips and snorted softly, "Don't you just ask your precious son to know?"

Yin Cuihua's eyes fell on Qin Kui, "Liu Liu, tell me if you are a chicken thief, it must be the Zheng family who framed you indiscriminately, right?"

Anyway, this matter cannot be easily admitted, otherwise his sixth son will be finished.

Not to mention the bad reputation in the future, the crime of stealing in the village is very serious, and he is also hated by the villagers. The villagers will definitely not let Qin Kui go easily.

Her most precious son, she couldn't let him have trouble.

Qin Kui looked at Yin Cuihua with a bitter face, "Mother...I...I didn't steal the chicken!"

Hearing Yin Cuihua's hint, Qin Kui also knew that he couldn't admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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