Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1098 The Paddy Field Has Arrived

Chapter 1098 The Paddy Field Has Arrived

"Zheng's wife, I see that you are doing well now, how can you not be in bad shape? You don't need to make up such a reason if you want to extort money?" Yin Cuihua said unconvinced.

Aunt Zheng said, "Mr. Yin, I know better than you how I am. Anyway, I was really sad when your son stole my chicken. Everyone knows that.

You can't make me sad for nothing, can you?What about the compensation I want? "

Yin Cuihua continued, "Five taels of silver is too much, and our Qin family can't afford it. Even if you want compensation, you need a reasonable amount? The lion asked for so much silver, and didn't even see if he could swallow it! "

Aunt Zheng's sneered, "Yin, it doesn't matter if you don't pay five taels of silver, then I will not be polite, and I have to report your sixth son to the yamen for the county magistrate to judge!"

When Zheng's aunt brought this up to talk about it, Yin Cuihua immediately didn't know what to do.

It was Qin Kui who he cared about more than Yinzi.

"Mrs. Zheng's family, our Qin family really can't come up with so much money, can't you be more accommodating?"

Aunt Zheng's family smiled, "Why did your sixth son still think that our Zheng family was pitiful when he stole the chicken and let my chicken go?
Why should I accommodate you now?

Isn't there no money?

That's okay, your Qin family still has land, and you can take an acre of paddy field as a mortgage. "

Now Liufang has less land, only one mu of paddy field and one mu of dry land left, and the rest have been sold and given to the sixth daughter-in-law.

That woman is a vampire, no matter how much money the family had, she sucked it up.

The remaining one mu of paddy fields and one mu of dry land were left by Yin Cuihuaqiang, otherwise, he might have lost all the land in his hands.

The Qin family still needs to live, and with so little land left, she is worried about what to do next year, and if she sends it out now, she will really have no way to survive that day.

"No, no, our family has no land!" Yin Cuihua shook her head.

"Yin, it seems that your heart is not sincere, so don't blame me for being rude. Anyway, if there is no money and no paddy fields, this matter will not end!
Just let your sixth son stay in jail! "

When Qin Kui heard that he was about to go to prison, he was frightened and said to Yin Cuihua, "Mom, I don't want to stay in prison, I will die!

Mother, you save me, save me! "

Yin Cuihua looked at Qin Kui's appearance, both distressed and angry, and finally her distress took the main position. After glaring at Qin Kui with hatred, she gritted her teeth and said to Aunt Zheng's family, "Sure, then take my family's I'll give you mu of paddy fields, okay?"

Only then did Aunt Zheng's nod her head in satisfaction. She knew that the few acres of paddy fields owned by the Qin family were good, and they were second-class fertile fields.If I bought it, it would probably cost five or six taels of silver. Anyway, if it was paid to her, she would have earned it.

As soon as Mrs. Wu heard that Aunt Zheng's family had benefited, she couldn't bear it any longer, so she jumped out and said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, the sixth younger brother stole the chicken from Aunt Zheng's house, and also from our eldest house. What about the explanation from Aunt Zheng's family?"

Yin Cuihua frowned immediately, stared at Wu Shi displeasedly, and said, "You and Lao Liu are a family, what do the family care about?
Let's talk about this later! "

How could the Wu family not know Yin Cuihua's temperament.

If this matter is really discussed later, it is estimated that it will be nothing, and they will suffer from the big house?
(End of this chapter)

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