Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1100 Qin Kui's wonderful remarks

Chapter 1100 Qin Kui's wonderful remarks

When others ran over to blackmail her and had no choice but to pay for an acre of paddy fields, it would be fine for her to lose one acre of paddy fields, but Dafang was from her own family, so how could she be blackmailing like Aunt Zheng's?
"Boss, daughter-in-law, do you still want an acre of dry land? Do you know how much it is worth?" Yin Cuihua asked in a cold voice, as if mocking Wu's shamelessness and wanting too much.

Wu said, "Of course I know."

"Then you still need an acre of dry land?"

"Mom, why can't I take it? An acre of dry land is worth less than an acre of paddy field, right? Sixth brother can pay Aunt Zheng's one acre of paddy field, why can't we pay Dafang an acre of dry land?"

"Aunt Zheng's family is an outsider, so I had no choice but to pay her back. You are the sixth sister-in-law, and the family can't be tolerant. Do you have to kill your sixth brother to be happy?" Yin Cuihua asked angrily, with sharp eyes I can't wait to cut Wu Shi into pieces.

It's not that I'm not afraid of Yin Cuihua, "Mother, now that the family has been separated, don't talk about the family all the time. I just said it, the sixth brother even stole our eldest brother's chicken and didn't even think about getting married with our eldest brother." We are a family, let alone our elder family.

Now I want to ask for an explanation and some compensation. How can I say that we are a family and can't force him to death? "

After Mrs. Wu finished speaking, even Qin An, who had been silent all this time, stood up and stood in front of Mrs. Wu, frowning and saying to Yin Cuihua with a gloomy expression, "Mother, my wife is right. !

It was the sixth son who made our Dafang feel cold in the first place. When he stole the chicken, did he ever think that our Dafang’s life is difficult now? Some money, but the sixth brother stole half of it?Who would be willing to recognize such a younger brother, and want to be considerate of him?Forgive him?I can't do it anyway!

Whatever compensation others have received, we have to get the same compensation as Da Fang. "

Qin An's words were very decisive, directly crushing Yin Cuihua in terms of momentum.

Yin Cuihua was so bullied by Qin An that she had no other options.

Qin Kui glanced at Qin An, and replied weakly, "Brother, I was still thinking about your wife's hard life, so I deliberately left half of it for you, otherwise I would have stolen it all."

What Qin Kui said was the truth, if he didn't think about brotherhood at all, he would have already emptied the little chicken in the big house, and there would be half of it left.

Su Qingyao, who had been listening silently, was almost amused by Qin Kui's words.

This guy is really not amazing and swears endlessly!

The brain circuit is simple!

After Qin An heard Qin Kui's words, the corner of his mouth twitched and said, "Why? Is it possible that I should be grateful to you? Thank you for saving half of it for me, right?"

Qin Kui curled his lips, thinking in his heart, shouldn't he be thanked?But he didn't dare to speak out, for fear that Qin An would beat him up if he spoke up.

The people around started to talk about it, they were just talking about Qin Kui's wonderful work.

"Mother, anyway, our eldest house needs an acre of dry land. It doesn't matter if you don't take it, then I will send the sixth brother to the government office!" Wu said again.

Facing the Dafang couple who were pressing on every step of the way, Yin Cuihua gritted her teeth in hatred. If everyone in the village knew about this incident, the limelight would still be on the Dafang couple, and she would have to scold them well.

It's a pity that she didn't want to give up the remaining one mu of dry land, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, okay, let's do it for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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