Chapter 1103

For Su Qingyao's words, the villagers who joined in the fun all agreed very much.

Whose life is easy these days?Aren't they all working hard to live?

Some people had no money and were poor. They didn't even have enough food to eat, and they almost starved to death.But even so, I never thought of doing sneaky things.

"Girl Qingyao is right. It's because of Qin Kui's own evil intentions. No wonder others are on it."

"This Yin family just likes to push the blame on others, and never thinks about his own son's faults. I have never seen such a precious son like him."

"Hey, a loving mother has many failures. If you want me to think that Qin Kui has become like this today, it's all caused by Yin's mother."

"Hey, my son did this kind of thing, and instead of admonishing him first, he thinks about other people's faults. This kind of mother is nothing."

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Let me see that Mrs. Yin is not a good person. That's why my son is like this."



Yin Cuihua didn't expect that she would be dragged and sprayed wildly again.

It was all caused by Su Qingyao taking the lead!
The more Yin Cuihua thought about it, the angrier she became, and she was already full of anger. Could it be that she couldn't talk about others?
Even if Su Qingyao said so, Yin Cuihua only thought that she was blind and found a daughter-in-law like Lin Ruyue, but she still refused to admit that it was Qin Kui's fault.

In Yin Cuihua's heart, she still believed that Lin Ruyue was too blood-sucking, and Qin Kui was forced to do this kind of thing after being forced to helplessness.

Now the only thing left for Qin Kui is to feel sorry for Qin Kui!

Su Qingyao could see what Yin Cuihua was thinking from Yin Cuihua's expression.

Some people are just stubborn and don't want to listen to what others have to say.

To be fair, Yin Cuihua is too partial and doting on Qin Kui, thinking that everything about Qin Kui is right.

Li Zheng also reprimanded Yin Cuihua a few words in the middle, and then called a few strong men from the village to give Qin Kui thirty boards.

Yin Cuihua looked anxiously at the side, and couldn't help covering her eyes with her hands, while the other villagers looked at it with a bit of schadenfreude, as if they wished Qin Kui would be beaten half to death.

Before the board fell down, Qin Kui was so scared that he peed on his pants.

The villagers watching the excitement couldn't help laughing at Qin Kui.

"This Qin Kui dared to sneak around. I thought he was very courageous, but I didn't expect him to be so courageous. He peed his pants in fright without hitting him!"

"Big man, he was so scared that he peed his pants, he really doesn't know how to be ashamed!"

"Haha, I just want to laugh when I see Qin Kuina's cowardly look, how can there be such a man in our village!"

"Qin Kui is too ridiculous."



At this moment, Qin Kui, who was lying on the stool, couldn't care less about other people's jokes, so his body was shaking.

These [-] boards were beaten, let alone the problem of pain, my life was on the line, and I didn't know what to do in the future.

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop talking! Let's start the punishment now, be more serious." Wang Fugui cleared his throat, and put on a straight posture, extremely serious.

Only then did the villagers stop whispering and laughing at Qin Kui, but waited for Qin Kui to be beaten thirty times.

"Fight!" Wang Fugui issued an order.

Before the wooden plank hit Qin Kui's butt, he heard Qin Kui yelling, " hurts..."

Qin Kui's reaction made people laugh again.

I've seen one who is cowardly, but I've never seen one who is more cowardly than Qin Kui, and he screamed like this before he was beaten.

If it really goes down, what's the deal?
(End of this chapter)

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