Chapter 1106
Qin Fang glanced at Qin Kui who was not moving.

Talking about hating Qin Kui, he thinks that his sixth younger brother has no ability, and Yin Cuihua favors him, and all delicious food falls into his hands.

But if he really wanted to watch Qin Kui die, Qin Fang found that he still couldn't bear it.

After all, blood is thicker than water, and Qin Kui is his sixth younger brother after all.

When they were young, they grew up together with their buttocks naked, and they played very well.

When he was a child, Qin Kui liked to play tricks with him. At that time, Qin Fang also liked to play with Qin Kui.

It's just that I grew up, got married, and didn't have the feeling of brothers when I was a child, and then slowly became estranged.

Recalling the past, Qin Fang still decided to forget it.

Work hard on your own, and carry Qin Kui back.

At least he can pass this level in his heart in the future, otherwise Qin Kui died, he would still think it was because of him.

"Mother, I can carry the sixth brother back, but I will definitely be tired, and I may not even be able to fall asleep later. You have to cook three eggs in sugar water for me. I will be able to sleep comfortably after eating and recovering my strength." .”

Before helping Qin Kui, Qin Fang deliberately bargained with Yin Cuihua.

He couldn't help his sixth brother for nothing, it would be good if he could get a bowl of sugar water and eggs.

Although Yin Cuihua was very angry and was reluctant to give it to Qin Fang, there was no other way at the moment.

The people in the other houses didn't help, Qin Kui caused such a incident, and the other people in the village were also too lazy to help, so they could only count on Qin Fang.

So Yin Cuihua gritted her teeth and responded, "Sure, I'll cook you a bowl of eggs in sugar water, but I'll send your sixth brother back later, and you have to go to Dr. Feng's for me to come and see Look at your sixth brother's injury."

Qin Fang patted his chest, "Mother, no problem!"

"No problem, hurry up and recite!"


With the reward of sugar water eggs, Qin Fang got a little more energetic, ran to Qin Kui in a hurry, and carried Qin Kui on the stool on his back.

Fortunately, Qin Kui was relatively short and thin, not yet fully developed, so Qin Fang could barely move his back.

If it were someone else, such as Qin An and Qin Sheng, he probably wouldn't be able to recite it.

Qin Fang slowly carried Qin Kui in the direction of Qin's house. On the way, Yin Cuihua felt sorry for Qin Kui and continued to curse at Lin Ruyue.

"That stinky bitch, vixen! I'll have to skin her when I get back!

If it weren't for her, my sixth child wouldn't have to be in this state! "

"Why is it so unlucky to marry such a woman into the door!
Now Liufangyi is poor and white, and has caused such a big incident, how will he live in the future? "

"Without this vampire coming over, Liufang's field wouldn't be gone, and Lao Liu wouldn't be hurt like this! Today my old lady doesn't teach her a lesson, and I won't be named Yin anymore!"



Listening to Yin Cuihua's cursing, Qin Fang began to worry about Lin Ruyue's situation.

What if a beauty like the sixth sibling is hurt by his mother?

Although the six younger siblings are considered "beautiful women", Qin Fang feels that his sixth younger siblings cannot be entirely blamed for this matter.

Who wouldn't want to make a good offering of such a beautiful woman?

Beauty is capital!

It's nothing for her to ask for more.

On the contrary, Qin Fang felt that his sixth brother had made money!

With Lin Ruyue's beauty, wouldn't she be the top card in the Hualou?

The money spent on sleeping on the top card once is enough to buy so many acres of land in Liufang!
(End of this chapter)

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