Chapter 1108
Yin Cuihua didn't think too much, but nodded and let Qin Kui go over to have a look.

Qin Kui ran in the direction of the Qin's latrine in a desperate manner.

But when they got to the latrine, there was still no sign of Lin Ruyue.

How strange!

Why aren't his six siblings in the latrine?

"Mother, the sixth sibling isn't there!" Qin Fang returned to Yin Cuihua and said a little disappointed.

Yin Cuihua frowned, "Isn't it in the latrine? Then where did this little bastard go?"

"Mother, did you just hear that the chicken thief also went to watch the fun like us?" Qin Feng said as he guessed in his heart.

Yin Cuihua spat on the ground and started cursing, "If she also went to watch the excitement, shouldn't she know that the sixth child is so seriously injured? Why didn't she know to come and serve? It's half a figure instead?

You little vixen, if you ask me, she just doesn't really feel sorry for Lao Liu.My own man doesn't feel bad!She knows how to eat and drink after marrying into our Qin family. She has made such a good home, but can she do her part as a woman? "

Seeing Yin Cuihua scolding so fiercely, Qin Fang frowned and thought for a while, "Mother, you just said those cruel words at the fifth sibling's house, so you probably scared the sixth sibling and scared the sixth sibling away? "

The more Qin Fang thought about it, the more likely it was, otherwise where would Lin Ruyue go in the middle of the night?Can I just stay in the house?
Yin Cuihua scolded Qin Fang, "What are you talking nonsense, brat? Since she married into our Qin family, where can she go?"

Facing the aggressive Yin Cuihua, Qin Fang curled his lips and said, "Mother, don't be so sure about what I said, it's not impossible.

Just like I said before that the sixth brother stole the chicken from the sister-in-law's house, you also caught me and scolded me, saying it was impossible, but it turns out that the sixth brother stole the chicken from the sister-in-law's house? "

Being reminded by Qin Fang, Yin Cuihua's heart skipped a beat, and she became worried. Could it be that the sixth daughter-in-law really ran away as the third child said?
Yin Cuihua hastily rushed into the sixth room's room to see if Lin Ruyue's things were still there.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you feel even more chilled.

Because all of Lin Ruyue's belongings were gone in the six houses, her clothes and jewelry were all gone.

Things are missing, which means that people really run away.

Could it be that this Lin Ruyue was scared away by her as Qin Fang said?
Although she hated Lin Ruyue and Yin Cuihua endlessly, it was not a good thing for Liufang that Lin Ruyue disappeared under such circumstances.

If Lin Ruyue was still there, Yin Cuihua would be able to take care of Qin Kui to some extent, otherwise she, the old woman, might not be able to take care of Qin Kui in his current state, and it would be good to have Lin Ruyue helping him.

If Lin Ruyue can't train her well, she can sell Lin Ruyue directly to a kiln or a prostitute, and she can exchange some money back.

Now that people run away, nothing is lost!

The sixth child has lost his wife, so why not fight with her when he wakes up later?

The most important thing is that so much money has been spent on Lin Ruyue, and now that Liufang's land is gone, and Lin Ruyue is gone, isn't this the end of people and money?

"Hey, this bitch has really run away, she has no conscience, our Qin family provides delicious food and drink, why did she run away?" Yin Cuihua slumped on the ground, crying While yelling,

(End of this chapter)

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