Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1110 Don't show Qin Kui the injury

Chapter 1110 Don't show Qin Kui the injury
"Mother, I'm going to call Dr. Feng now, you have to make me eggs in sugar water, you do it now, and you'll be done when I call Dr. Feng over." Qin Fang hurriedly urged, for fear that he would make Dr. Feng When Yin Cuihua called back, she regretted not making him eggs in sugar water.

The situation is too familiar with Yin Cuihua's temperament, she is used to being sloppy, and she has done things that don't count.

"Why are you always thinking about eating?" Yin Cuihua reprimanded angrily.

"Mother, what am I thinking about? This is what you promised, do you regret it now? If you don't make me sugar water eggs now, I won't call Dr. Feng!" Qin Fang's face was full of displeasure .

He knew his mother was like this!
"You brat..." Yin Cuihua gritted her teeth angrily.

Qin Fang confronted Yin Cuihua without showing any weakness, "Mother, you can't count your words, I'm not a child anymore, why are you teasing me?"

"All right, all right, I'll do it now, you hurry up and call Dr. Feng."

After Yin Cuihua said that, she turned and went to the kitchen. Qin Fang watched Yin Cuihua get busy in the kitchen, and then reluctantly walked towards Dr. Feng's house.

He was too lazy to run out in the middle of the night, he couldn't see the road clearly under the dark lights, and it was still winter, a gust of cold wind would chill him to death, so Qin Fang couldn't help wrapping his clothes around his body.

The most fearful thing is to touch something unclean...

After trembling with fear all the way, I finally arrived at Dr. Feng's house.

But when Dr. Feng heard that Qin Kui was looking at the wound, he immediately became a little unhappy.

About Qin Kui being a chicken thief in the village, Dr. Feng also heard from his son who used to join in the fun, and expressed his anger.

For people like Qin Kui, if he treated him today, he would only bring disaster to the village in the future, so he refused to help Qin Kui see his wounds.

Qin Fang had no choice but to turn back again.

"Mother, are the eggs in sugar water ready? I'm almost freezing to death, hurry up and get them for me to drink!" Qin Fang yelled as soon as he arrived at the Qin family's yard.

Yin Cuihua walked out of the kitchen, stuffed the eggs in sugar water into Qin Fang's hands, then looked behind Qin Fang, and seeing Dr. Feng's figure, she asked Qin Fang, "My third son, where is Mrs. Feng?" ? Why didn't you see me?"

Qin Fang replied to Yin Cuihua while eating eggs in sugar water, "Mother, Dr. Feng is not here!"

"What, you didn't call out? You bastard told you to come over and ask Dr. Feng to come over. Look at what you did!"

"Mom, I yelled, but Doctor Feng doesn't want to come over, so I can't help it!"

"Why is Doctor Feng unwilling to come over?" Yin Cuihua continued to question angrily.

"Mother, Dr. Feng said that if he cured Liu Di, it would be a disaster for our village, so he doesn't want to cure Liu Di."

"What..." Yin Cuihua was dumbfounded for a moment!
It is said that doctors care about parents, but Dr. Feng didn't even look at the wounds of her sixth son...

The sixth child is so seriously injured, it's not easy to see what happened!

He was knocked out directly, seeing how old Liu is like this, if he dies, he doesn't know if he can survive.

"Mother, anyway, that's what Doctor Feng said, I think you should go to the town tomorrow to find another doctor, don't count on Doctor Feng.

Just now I saw Dr. Feng talking about the sixth brother in a very aggressive tone. I guess he really doesn't want to save the sixth brother, so don't ask for it. It should be useless. "

(End of this chapter)

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