Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1112 Worried About Her

Chapter 1112 Worried About Her

What Qin Sheng thought in his heart was that he would never sleep at the Qin family's side in the future, but Su Qingyao said so, knowing that it was unlikely that he would stay in the next few days.

It's better to stay tonight than to drive him back to the Qin family.

"Okay... my daughter-in-law, let's go tonight."

"En!" Su Qingyao nodded.

In fact, it would be fine if Qin Sheng stayed at home for the next few nights.

After Su Qingyao thought about it, she felt that it would be better to be separated for a while.

Xiao Biesheng is newlywed, and she hopes that on the day she and Qin Sheng get married, they will fall in love with each other even more.

After being separated for a period of time, the passion between two people when they meet is much stronger than when they are together every day.

In order to give myself and Qin Sheng more nostalgia, it is good for both of them to be separated for a while.

However, Qin Sheng had a disappointed expression on his face, and Ning Yao raised his eyebrows, "What? Are you unhappy?"

Qin Sheng shook his head, looked at Su Qingyao and said, "No, daughter-in-law, I'm just worried that you will get into trouble when you are alone at home.

There are quite a few people like Liu Di in our village. You have become so beautiful now that you live alone at night, it is estimated that many bad men will get your idea and come to harass you! "

The more Qin Sheng said, the more sad he looked on his face.

Su Qingyao gave a "puchi" laugh.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you laughing at?"

"Laugh, you think too much!"

"Daughter-in-law, why am I thinking too much? There are so many bad people, don't think of people as good!" Qin Sheng said it seriously, daughter-in-law is too kind, I don't know that some people can be bad To the extreme, this world is also full of dangers.

Su Qingyao still smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? If those people dare to provoke me, I will let them get the same fate as the sixth brother.

Don't you know my skills?Who can benefit from me? "

Qin Sheng thought about it for a while, and it seems to be the same, the daughter-in-law is so powerful, she can beat several rough guys by herself, even he is not her opponent.

"Besides...they probably got scared out when they couldn't see me. We now have two watchdogs, Lele and Yuanbao. I'm afraid most people won't dare to come here easily?"

After Su Qingyao finished speaking, she looked at Lele and Yuanbao.

In the past, when the two dogs were at odds, Yuan Bao liked to bully Lele.

Later, Lele grew up, and Yuan Bao was tied up again, so there was no chance of bullying.

This time Su Qingyao thought that Lele would be unhappy when she brought Yuanbao back to raise her. Fortunately, Lele is a sensible person and doesn't care about Yuanbao.

Yuan Bao is very smart, he knows people and looks at people, and he is very peaceful when he arrives at Su Qingyao's house. He has also performed very well in helping Su Qingyao to watch the door these days.

Tonight, Lele and Yuanbao earned credit for dealing with Qin Kui, and tomorrow they have to cook some delicious food to reward them.

Seeing Su Qingyao looking at them, Yuan Bao and Lele "barked" twice, and wagged their tails vigorously at Su Qingyao.

Qin Kui also saw it, and most of his heart was relieved.

"Yeah, daughter-in-law, it's pretty much the same. Fortunately, we have a dog! Otherwise, I'm really worried!"

"I'm not a child, why don't you worry about me?"

"Daughter-in-law, I know that you are not a child, and you are stronger than me, but I just don't trust you, and I worry about you all the time, lest you have a little accident.

My heart is at ease only when I am by your side watching you accompany you. "Qin Sheng expressed his feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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