Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1122 Don't be afraid when you come to the door for the first time

Chapter 1122 Don't be afraid when you come to the door for the first time

If Yin Cuihua hadn't spoiled Qin Kui too much, Qin Kui wouldn't have developed the temper he has today.

Yin Cuihua has so many sons, but if she can distribute the mother's love evenly to several children, the result will be better, at least it will not make her and several sons turn against each other.

"Who in this world has an easy life? Sister Zhu, don't be soft-hearted, don't worry so much, as long as we live a good life." Su Qingyao said.

After hearing Su Qingyao's "teaching", Shen nodded.She also knows that her most fatal weakness is that her heart is too soft, and sometimes she can't bear to reject others.

This is because of this, sometimes it is easy to suffer.

Su Qingyao didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the Qin family, but was busy returning to the Su family.

However, although Qin Kui didn't have the money to invite a doctor to come and see the injury, he carried it over by himself after lying on the bed for two days. After waking up, Yin Cuihua cried a few times excitedly, and hurriedly bought some food for Qin Kui.

Early in the morning, Su Qingyao moved the things she bought into the carriage, and hurried to Su's house with Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng was very active along the way.

This son-in-law is usually very nervous when he goes to his mother's house, but Qin Sheng is an exception, he doesn't show any nervousness at all.

Su Qingyao couldn't help but joked, "You don't seem to be going to my natal family, but to your natal family. Why are you not afraid at all, and seem quite happy?"

Qin Sheng grinned and said, "Daughter-in-law, what am I afraid of? What's there to be afraid of?"

"For the first time, of course I was afraid that my natal family would be satisfied with you?" Su Qingyao twitched her lips.

Qin Sheng shook his head, with a look of tugging at him, and replied slyly.

"Daughter-in-law, there's nothing to be afraid of. Who told you that everyone loves you, and the flowers bloom when you see them, and who sees that I don't like it? How can you be dissatisfied with me?
Take a look, and take a closer look at your husband-in-law's handsome face. Would you be dissatisfied if your daughter-in-law were you? "As Qin Sheng said, he stretched out his face on purpose, and moved closer to Su Qingyao.

The corners of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched a few times, and she was a little speechless by this dude.

Do you want to be so confident, no, no, it's narcissism!

This guy is narcissistic to a certain extent!How embarrassing!
"A man can't just look at his appearance? My mother's family has a lot of investigations. Don't think that you have a handsome face and everyone in the world will like you!" Su Qingyao deliberately hit Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng smiled and said, "Daughter-in-law, but our grandma said she was very satisfied with me when she saw me before!

You see, grandma said that she likes me. The other elders of the Su family should also like me when they see me, right? "

Su Qingyao rolled her eyes, and said directly, "Grandma is kind-hearted, so it's not easy to pick out your faults, you still take it seriously!"

"Daughter-in-law, why are you not confident in your husband-in-law? Or do you think your husband-in-law is not good enough and unlikable, and the elders in the family will be satisfied when they see it?" Qin Sheng was a little sad when Su Qingyao said it.

When asked by Qin Sheng, Su Qingyao suddenly felt that what she said seemed to be too much.

I had no choice but to reply to Qin Sheng, "Confidence is a good thing, and I also hope that all the elders in my family like you. After all, you are my man now, and they all like you and are satisfied with you, which shows that they affirm you as a person and also show my vision good."

(End of this chapter)

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