Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1126 I Don't Believe It's Su Qingyao

Chapter 1126 I Don't Believe It's Su Qingyao

Su Xiuxiu, who was standing behind Jinhua, was originally staring at Qin Sheng.

Ever since I saw Qin Sheng in the town last time, Qin Sheng's handsome face has been in my mind.

She was even secretly jealous of why Su Qingyao was so lucky to be able to marry such a handsome man.

Seeing Qin Sheng again now, Su Xiuxiu felt that her heart couldn't hold back her restlessness, and she was slightly nervous while being happy.

Seeing Jin Hua helping Su Qingyao carry things, Su Xiuxiu hurried to Qin Sheng and said to Qin Sheng, "Brother-in-law, let me carry the things in your hand for you!"

It was the first time for Su Xiuxiu to talk to Qin Sheng, and she stood in front of Qin Sheng shyly, with her head bowed.

Qin Sheng glanced at Su Xiuxiu, didn't think too much, nodded in response, and handed the things to Su Xiuxiu, "Then I will trouble you!"

"No trouble, no trouble!" Su Xiuxiu hurriedly replied.

Hearing Qin Sheng's deep and provocative voice, Su Xiuxiu's heart fluttered even more.

Why is it that this man is good-looking, but his voice is so nice.

It's just a pity that he became Su Qingyao's man...

Hey, how wonderful it would be to be her man?

Then she must be very happy!
When the spectators in front of Su Daquan's house heard that Su Daquan and Jin Hua actually called Su Qingyao's niece, plus the name Su Qingyao, everyone's eyes showed a touch of shock.

Because the Su Qingyao in front of them didn't feel like the Su Qingyao in their impression at all.

Su Qingyao used to be an ugly monster with a very shabby appearance.

But what about Su Qingyao now?She is simply a great beauty, and it is estimated that there is no girl more beautiful than her in ten miles and eight villages.

It is precisely because of such a huge gap that the villagers can't believe that Su Qingyao, who is now like a white swan, is the ugly duckling she used to be.

Someone asked Su Daquan directly, "Su Daquan, are you right? This is your niece Su Qingyao?"

"Yeah, did you make a mistake? We also grew up watching Qingyao girl. We don't know what she looks like? How can she be so beautiful?"

"Su Daquan, what's going on?"

"Why am I getting more and more confused? What did I make a mistake in the middle of? Su Daquan, niece, you can't misidentify, right?"



Facing the doubts and questions from the villagers, Su Daquan expressed that he understood very well. He didn't recognize Su Qingyao at the beginning, and he was also very surprised by Su Qingyao's big change.

However, it turns out that Su Qingyao is Su Qingyao, and now she is not ugly anymore and her face has been healed, what can she do?

So Su Daquan explained to the villagers, "This is my niece Su Qingyao. Her face has been healed, so it is like this now."

"Hey, healed such an ugly face? This is not a face treatment, it's just a change of head!"

"Oh my God, it really blinded my dog's eyes, Su Daquan, if you hadn't said it yourself, I definitely wouldn't believe it, no matter how hard you try to cure yourself, you can't turn yourself from an ugly monster into a fairy!"

"Not only are the scars on my face gone, but the skin has also changed so much, it can be broken by blowing a bullet, like a freshly peeled egg." Some women secretly envied Su Qingyao's skin, and ordinary women would guess after seeing it I like it very much.

The so-called one white cover one hundred ugliness, Su Qingyao's white and tender appearance is indeed more beautiful, which improves her appearance a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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