Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1130 The Blame is Lu Chunqin

Chapter 1130 The Blame is Lu Chunqin
"Su Dahai, look at your good girl, what are you doing? She doesn't take you as a father and me as a stepmother at all!
Going to send things to others, even you, your own father, didn't send anything to show filial piety, it really pissed me off!
How can there be such a thing?Did she forget who gave birth to herself? "

Facing Lu Chunqin's angry face, Su Dahai felt uncomfortable listening to it.

Su Qingyao went to see the other elders of the Su family. Would he be happy to leave him as his own father?

But if he is not happy, he is not happy, after all, he has no choice but to do so.

As a result, now Lu Chunqin seemed to attribute all the faults to him, which made Su Dahai very upset.

"Why are you telling me this? It's not that I told Qingyao not to come back." Su Dahai snorted softly, with a bit of aggrieved complaint in his tone.

"Su Dahai, it's meaningless for you to say that! Although you didn't let that girl do it, but you are her own father, so you can't take care of it?
If it goes on like this, it will have to be lawless!

Clearly against us, all the idiots of the elders of the Su family have gone, but we didn't come here!

Just wait, we will be laughed at to death in a short time!Let me see if you still want to be a man in the village! "Lu Chunqin cursed angrily again.

I am used to Su Dahai in this way on weekdays, so it doesn't matter, I feel that Su Dahai can be blamed so casually.

Su Dahai is a man after all, and Lu Chunqin always rides on his head, and sometimes he can't help it.

Especially these days, Lu Chunqin's temper is very grumpy, and she likes to yell at her whenever she has something to do.

"Why do you like to blame me for everything?

Can you blame me?
yes!Su Qingyao is indeed my daughter, and I, a father, should discipline her.

But don't you know why she didn't come to us this time?

It's not because of you!

If you hadn't insisted on selling her back then, would she have accumulated so much resentment?Treat her a little bit better, but now she can't obediently be filial to me as a father?
It was originally your responsibility, but now you insist on pushing it on me, it's really annoying! "

The more Su Dahai spoke, the more angry he became. At this moment, he was secretly regretting why he was so foolish and insisted on talking to Lu Chunqin and Liu Lijuan.

If he could treat Su Qingyao well, wouldn't he be blessed to enjoy Su Qingyao's filial piety now?Why is it like this?

"Su" Lu Chunqin angrily pointed at Su Dahai's nose, but didn't know what to scold Su Dahai.

Because what Su Dahai said was the truth, what she said was a little guilty.

At the beginning, she didn't know that Su Qingyao would make money like now. If she knew, she wouldn't treat Su Qingyao like before, at least she wouldn't choose to let Su Qingyao marry and stay at home to earn money for her.

Su Dahai was very troubled in his heart, he glanced at Lu Chunqin lightly, and then smoked a dry cigarette.

Only by smoking can you relieve your boredom.

Lu Chunqin's chest was full of breath!

Originally, he wanted to vent on Su Dahai's head, but Su Dahai turned out to be good. Not only did he not make her feel more comfortable, but on the contrary, he made her even more troubled.

Lu Chunqin stared at Su Dahai for a long time before saying, "Su Dahai, just say you don't care about this matter? Do we really have to hold back?"

(End of this chapter)

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