Chapter 1137
"Think of us as fools, thinking that we will listen to what she says!"

"Back when Lu Chunqin treated Qingyao girl like that, Qingyao girl was really pitiful, but unfortunately it was their family matter and we couldn't care about it. After all, Su Dahai didn't say anything when he was a father, so what can others say?

But Lu Chunqin is obviously aggressive. It's fine to treat Qingyao like that at the beginning. Now that she is no longer from the Su family and has become someone else's daughter-in-law, where does she have the face to come here to point fingers? "

"Hey... Girl Qingyao is really pitiful. She has suffered a lot in those two years with such a ruthless stepmother and such an unreasonable father!"

"Hey, yes! Girl Qingyao is really suffering!"



Everyone was criticizing Lu Chunqin's bad behavior and sympathizing with Su Qingyao's previous experience.

Seeing that the limelight was on Su Qingyao's side, Jin Hua immediately murmured in front of these people in the village, "Hey, come over here to judge, see how much this Lu family has done too much!
She didn't talk about what she did to Qingyao girl back then, but today she ran over to talk about Qingyao girl, and wanted Qingyao girl to send something back.

Blame her for giving good things to the other elders of the Su family, but not to the Lu family and Su Dahai.

If under normal circumstances, the daughter does not bring anything to her own parents when she returns home, but brings other relatives, this can be said.

But obviously, Qingyao girl's situation is special, Su Dahai and Lu's did too much at the beginning, chilling Qingyao girl's heart, Qingyao girl didn't associate with them.

This matter can't be blamed on Qingyao girl at all!

Let's talk about it, now that the Lu family is here to ask for something, how shameless? "

Jin Hua spoke very excitedly, and her tone was up and down, which made people listen very deeply.

The villagers looked at Lu Chunqin with more disgust in their eyes, and each of them sprayed more fiercely.

"Hey, that's really shameless! Did you come here specifically to ask for something?"

"Lu's face is unusually thick? Qingyao's girl is good enough if she doesn't trouble her, and she still wants to be filial to her? Buy things like other elders?"

"My God, I'm convinced by this Lu family! Where did she find the courage to stand here and take advantage of Qingyao girl as she should?"

"Haha, Su Dahai's own father didn't come over, but Lu Chunqin's stepmother came here. She really takes herself too seriously."

"In my opinion, Su Dahai is probably a little bit more shameless, and I'm too embarrassed to come here to ask Qingyao girl for something.

But this Lu Chunqin is different, she has a thick skin, she will come if Su Dahai doesn't come. "



No matter how thick-skinned Lu Chunqin was, she couldn't stand being talked about by so many people.

Especially these bad-mouthed women in the village are very ugly when they talk about people.

She still wants to stay in the village in the future. If she is talked about wherever she goes, won't she be able to hold her head up?

Lu Chunqin gritted her teeth resentfully, and looked at Su Qingyao.

This little bitch was very calm, with a calm expression on his face, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

But the villagers still sympathized with Su Qingyao.

I guess I haven't seen Su Qingyao's appearance when she goes too far. She suffered from Su Qingyao's hands before. Why didn't anyone say that Su Qingyao bullied her?
(End of this chapter)

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