Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1149 Su Xiuxiu's Excessive Concern

Chapter 1149 Su Xiuxiu's Excessive Concern

Su Xiuxiu couldn't bear it anymore, and while poking the chopsticks in the bowl, she asked Su Qingyao, "Cousin, why didn't I see my cousin come over to eat together after lunch? Where did my cousin go?"

As soon as Su Qingyao looked up, she could see the eagerness in Su Xiuxiu's eyes.

If ordinary people asked this, Su Qingyao didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and just regarded it as a common concern.

But when Su Xiuxiu asked, Su Qingyao realized the meaning of it.

It seems that her cousin is really interested in her man.

As a normal woman, no one would be happy for her man to be stared at by other women, making plans.

Su Qingyao smiled, and replied to Su Xiuxiu lightly, "Is my cousin a little too lenient? You can also ask where my husband is, it seems unnecessary?"

Su Xiuxiu didn't expect Su Qingyao to be so shameless, so she answered like this, her face flushed suddenly, she was so ashamed and indignant.

Su Xiuxiu bit her lower lip and explained, "Cousin...I just asked casually..."

Jinhua saw through her daughter's embarrassment, and quickly defended Su Xiuxiu, "Oh, girl Qingyao, didn't Xiuxiu casually ask and care? After all, she is her cousin-in-law, so she should care about it!"

Su Qingyao sneered, "If you know it, you think it's caring, but if you don't know it, you think your cousin is thinking about it."

Su Xiuxiu's cheeks were burning red, and she hurriedly said, "Cousin, I didn't..."

"Do you know in your heart that you don't need to tell me?"

As Su Qingyao said, she didn't continue talking to Su Xiuxiu.

If Su Xiuxiu didn't have her man's idea, Su Qingyao would be polite on the surface because they are both cousins.

But Su Xiuxiu should never have done anything wrong, she just set her sights on Qin Sheng, this is something Su Qingyao can't tolerate.

Facing Su Qingyao's cold face, Su Xiuxiu was a little aggrieved, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only lower her head.

With a table full of delicious food, Su Xiuxiu didn't have any appetite to speak of after eating it.

Seeing Su Qingyao's posture, Jin Hua knew that Su Qingyao was stingy. If Su Qingyao agreed to let Su Xiuxiu marry Qin Sheng, it might not be so easy.

But Jin Hua is not willing to give up like this, after all, she is still counting on Su Xiuxiu to marry Qin Sheng, so that she can lead a good life with her.

Jin Hua hurriedly winked at Mrs. Su and asked Mrs. Su to talk about it.

Mrs. Su was very embarrassed.

She is not a fool either, so she can naturally see that Su Qingyao was not happy when facing Su Xiuxiu's idea of ​​Qin Sheng's idea. It would be even more difficult for Su Qingyao to agree to Su Xiuxiu's marriage.

Jin Hua glared at Mrs. Su again, and Mrs. Su didn't know what to do. She spoke weakly and discussed with Su Qingyao, "Yao'er, are you ready to take a concubine for that child of Qin Sheng?"

Su Qingyao was stunned for a moment, wondering why Mrs. Su would say that, "Grandma, why are you asking that?"

Old Madam Su twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with some difficulty, "If you plan to give Qin Sheng a child in the future, why don't you take care of your own family and send Xiuxiu over here."

The old lady said this, and it was an explanation to Jin Hua. As for whether Su Qingyao agreed or not, that was Su Qingyao's business, and Jin Hua couldn't say anything about her.

After Mrs. Su finished speaking, she looked at Su Qingyao apologetically, and felt that she was a little sorry for Su Qingyao for helping Da Fang to say this.

(End of this chapter)

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