Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1167 Daughter-in-law is the most important thing

Chapter 1167 Daughter-in-law is the most important thing
It's a pity that the way Qin Sheng looked at her didn't show any affection, Su Xiuxiu knew that Qin Sheng didn't like her...

But Su Xiuxiu was not reconciled, only when Qin Sheng was with Su Qingyao just now, he still had a lot of novelty towards Su Qingyao.

Once Su Qingyao gets tired of playing, she will naturally stop caring about Su Qingyao.

She just needs to wait, once Qin Sheng thinks about other women, she will have a chance to step in.

Anyway, since seeing Qin Sheng, other men can no longer catch Su Xiuxiu's eyes.

The person she will marry in this life will only be Qin Sheng, and it cannot be anyone else.

"Brother-in-law, then I'll go to the kitchen and see if I can find something to eat for my cousin!" Su Xiuxiu deliberately showed her courtesy, and wanted to perform well in front of Qin Sheng, so as to win Qin Sheng's favor.

Qin Sheng said, "I don't need to ask sister-in-law Jinlan and sister Zhu myself."

"Then...well then..." Su Xiuxiu replied awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Originally, he wanted to show off, but who knew that Qin Sheng would reject her like this.

Qin Sheng didn't say much, just turned around and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Shen Shi and Wang Jinlan are busy.

Not to mention that after the banquet, there was still a pile of bowls and chopsticks that needed to be cleaned. Shen Shi and Wang Jinlan had been busy for a long time, and they finally cleaned all the bowls and chopsticks.

It was getting dark now, and they had to go back after a while of busy work.

It's also because they have a good relationship with Su Qingyao that they will do their best to help each other with their affairs. If it were other people, they would never do their best to do things like this.

Apart from the bowls and chopsticks, there are also a lot of dishes left over from the banquet today. There are a lot of meat dishes and vegetarian dishes, which are good things for ordinary people.

Shen and Wang Jinlan helped Su Qingyao tidy up.

It's winter now, and the weather is very cold. These dishes won't go bad if you eat them slowly.

Seeing Qin Sheng approaching, Wang Jinlan joked with a smile, "Hey, Brother Qin Sheng, why did you run out?

A moment in the Spring Festival is worth a thousand dollars, why don't you go out for a walk in the bridal chamber with sister Qingyao? "

Being ridiculed by Wang Jinlan, even a thick-skinned person like Qin Sheng felt a little embarrassed, "Sister-in-law Jinlan, the wedding night is important, and my wife is even more important!
She's hungry and hasn't eaten all day. I'll come out and find something for her to eat, or she'll starve to death! "

Only then did Wang Jinlan realize that Su Qingyao hadn't eaten.

The rules of this kind of people are like this, from morning till night, the bride can't eat without the groom's official wearing the red hijab, so basically when they get married, the bride has to go hungry for a whole day.

It was the same when she and Liu Dazhu were married. Her stomach was so big that after a day of hunger, her chest was pressed against her back.

For Su Qingyao who has been hungry all day, she should really get something to eat.

Wang Jinlan looked at Qin Sheng and smiled, "Brother Qin Sheng, you really do love your wife. Back then, you Da Zhuhe must have been so careful that you would love her."

"Hey, brother Dazhu is a little more stupid than me, how could he think so much!

But it can be seen that brother Dazhu still loves sister-in-law Jinlan very much. "

Wang Jinlan smiled, "Okay, don't say good things for him. Anyway, he is not like you. Sister Qingyao is very lucky to have found a man who loves others like you."

(End of this chapter)

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