Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1172 There Is a Light Bulb

Chapter 1172 There Is a Light Bulb

Ordinary people would be grateful for Su Qingyao's kindness, but Su Xiu felt uncomfortable after hearing it.

Because she didn't want to go back to Su's house at all, so she planned to stay here directly.

After all, she was going to marry Qin Sheng as a concubine, so living here was a matter of course.

How comfortable is this big house?There is a charcoal fire when I sleep at night, and the quilt is new, so warm and comfortable. Even the food is ten or eight times better than the Su family's. Su Xiuxiu doesn't want to go back, she just wants to live here forever, and I can see Qin Sheng every day.

As a result, now that Su Qingyao said to let her and Mrs. Su go back, doesn't that mean to drive her away?

Su Xiuxiu really wanted to ask Su Qingyao when she mentioned the matter of taking concubines to Qin Sheng, but she was too embarrassed to say so...

"Cousin, you're so kind!" Su Xiuxiu pulled out a smile with some difficulty, and flattered Su Qingyao.

Su Qingyao didn't answer either. If it wasn't for Mrs. Su, she wouldn't want to talk to the Su family, let alone pack these meals for Su Xiuxiu to take back.

It's not because she thinks that Mrs. Su can eat better.

Although the Su family can also take advantage of it, the most important thing is that Mrs. Su can eat well.

Now that Su Qingyao's conditions are good, she doesn't bother to care about so much.

Qin Sheng smelled the fragrance in the kitchen, and ran in in a hurry, leaned in front of Su Qingyao and said with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, it smells so good, my husband is almost dying of hunger!"

"You can eat it later!"

"It's great to have you, my daughter-in-law, I don't have to worry about anything!
You are so beautiful, you can make money, and you are so capable and considerate to a man, I am so happy!
Marrying you is really a blessing in my eight lifetimes! "Qin Sheng's mouth seemed to be filled with honey, and he started talking sweetly.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands and wrapped his arms around Su Qingyao's waist from behind in an intimate gesture.

It's fine if two people do this alone, Su Qingyao is used to Qin Sheng's behavior.

But there is another person in the kitchen at the moment, and Su Qingyao is not so cheeky when making friends in front of other people.

Su Qingyao said to Qin Sheng with a straight face, "Don't make trouble, Xiuxiu is still here!"

It was only then that Qin Sheng noticed Su Xiuxiu who was sitting in front of the stove and lighting a fire.

When Qin Sheng looked at Su Xiuxiu, Su Xiuxiu also looked at him.

Su Xiuxiu's eyes made Qin Sheng a little uncomfortable. He always felt that there was something special in Su Xiuxiu's eyes.

Especially looking at the scorching heat in his eyes made Su Xiuxiu even more uncomfortable.

Among other things, delaying his love with Su Qingyao at this moment is just an eyesore of a light bulb.Qin Sheng's rejection of Su Xiuxiu became stronger, and he felt that it would be inconvenient to have another Su Xiuxiu at home, but Su Xiuxiu was Su Qingyao's cousin, and he couldn't chase Su Xiuxiu away, and he could only endure it if he didn't like it, unless Su Qingyao said , otherwise it doesn't matter.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, today is the first day of our wedding, I want to live a two-person world with you!" Qin Sheng sighed.

"It's not that I haven't had it before, why are you hypocritical? Go wash up quickly, and I'll be ready for breakfast later!" Su Qingyao urged.

Qin Sheng nodded, "Okay then, daughter-in-law, listen to you!"

Seeing the back of Qin Sheng leaving to wash up, Su Xiuxiu felt uncomfortable.

Which woman can feel at ease when she sees the man she likes showing affection with other women?

At this time, Su Xiuxiu was jealous besides jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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