Chapter 1175
After all, earning money is really important to country people. Many people are looking forward to earning money, but unfortunately they can't earn it.

Only with money can we live a good life, live in a big house like Su Qingyao now, eat and drink well every day, and don't have to live in poverty like before.

Although Mrs. Su really wanted Su Qingyao to get pregnant earlier, she even more wanted Su Qingyao to be as prosperous as she is now.

Only when you have money can you be carefree and not rush around for life.

It is difficult to grasp the opportunity to make money, but you can ask for it at any time after giving birth.

Missing the opportunity to make money and make a fortune for the sake of the children, in the eyes of ordinary rural people, it is still relatively unlucky.

The only thing Mrs. Su was worried about was whether others would point fingers at Su Qingyao and say some nasty things after she was reborn in a year or two.

Those who know it should be that you don’t want to have a baby, and those who don’t know think that you can’t have a baby.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing to be stuck in this dilemma.

However, Mrs. Su decided to support Su Qingyao's own decision. Su Qingyao understood her own needs better than an old woman like her.

In addition, Qin Sheng didn't have any objections, so he naturally didn't have much to say.

Qin Sheng hurriedly followed Su Qingyao and said back, "Yes, yes, grandma, my wife is right.

Now is the time for the shop's business to develop, so there is no delay.

I don't want to live a hard life like I used to. I can't even eat enough, what a pain!

For the time being, earning money is the most important thing. It’s not too late to have a child in a year or two! "

Qin Sheng himself didn't care about living a hard life, he just didn't want to drag Su Qingyao into living a hard life together.

Now that he is married to Su Qingyao, he only wants to give Su Qingyao the best.

Old Madam Su sighed, "Okay then, you just need to have a calculation in mind, my wife can't stop you from making money!"

"Hey, grandma, don't worry, you look so handsome and I am so blessed, you will definitely wait for the fourth generation to live together. No, it is possible for five generations to live together!
When my son gives birth to another son, I will give you a great-great-grandson hug! "

"Haha..." Mrs. Su was amused by Qin Sheng, and felt that Qin Sheng's small mouth was really sweet and could speak well, which was very pleasing to others.

For such a grandson-in-law, Mrs. Su is very satisfied from the bottom of her heart.

"Okay, then grandma will wait!" Mrs. Su said with a smile.

Su Qingyao looked at Qin Sheng's sycophant from the side, annoyed and funny.

After Qin Sheng finished speaking, he came over specially, flattered her, and whispered in her ear, "Hey, daughter-in-law, you are the best, talk about business, otherwise grandma will definitely Continue to urge us to live!"

The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth rose for a moment and said, "Nonsense, of course I am good. After all, our IQs are different, and there is no comparison."

"Daughter-in-law, you said I was narcissistic, I think you have become narcissistic now too.

Haha, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. Since my daughter-in-law has become like me, she is not allowed to say that I am narcissistic in the future. "

Su Qingyao, "..."

Where is she narcissistic?It is clearly a fact!

She had her IQ tested in the 21st century, and her IQ was much higher than the average person's. It's called narcissism to tell the truth.

"Daughter-in-law, eat vegetables!" Seeing Su Qingyao's changed expression, Qin Sheng was very good at "watching words and expressions", and immediately picked up a chopstick dish for Su Qingyao courteously, and put it into Su Qingyao's bowl.

(End of this chapter)

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