Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1183 Borrowing Su Qingyao's Clothes

Chapter 1183 Borrowing Su Qingyao's Clothes
As for what happened in the middle, Su Qingyao didn't know.

Probably only Qin Sheng and Su Xiuxiu knew about it.

Regarding this matter, Su Qingyao didn't want to ask. Qin Sheng liked to talk to her, so he let him talk, and if he didn't like to talk to her, he would pull him down.

Granny Su looked at Su Xiuxiu who was drenched and shivering from the cold, and said distressedly, "Xiuxiu, hurry into the house, grandma will boil you a basin of hot water and soak your body, otherwise you will be frozen and you will die again." It’s a troublesome thing if you get sick and catch a cold.”

Su Xiuxiu nodded, "Thank you grandma...

By the way...Grandma, I didn't bring a change of clothes, and I didn't have any clothes to change after taking a bath..."

Su Xiuxiu was embarrassed to speak to Su Qingyao, so she had to talk to Mrs. Su first, and let Mrs. Su talk about Su Qingyao.

"Let your cousin lend you a change of clothes to wear. You can't wear this wet clothes." Mrs. Su said to Su Qingyao, "Yaoer, do you have clean clothes that you don't use? Take them Come out and use it for Xiuxiu!"

Su Qingyao nodded and said, "Yes, cousin, go to the house first, I'll boil some hot water, and I'll get you a change of clothes later."

Su Xiuxiu made a grateful look and said to Su Qingyao, "Then please trouble my cousin!"

Su Qingyao twitched the corners of her mouth, with a hint of meaning in her eyes, "Family, why are you so polite!"

Su Xiuxiu bowed her head in response, and entered the house with Mrs. Su, while Su Qingyao went to the kitchen to boil water, added some wood, and soon a large pot of hot water was boiled.

As for the change of clothes for Su Xiuxiu, Su Qingyao just took out a set.

Now Su Qingyao kept two sets of coarse cloth clothes for her work, and the rest of the clothes were purchased from expensive cloth and asked Qin Sheng to make them for her.

This guy is good at embroidery, and every set of clothes he makes looks very good.

Now that I borrowed a set and lent it to Su Xiuxiu, Su Qingyao felt a little reluctant.

But there was no other clothes at home, so I couldn't take out the worn-out and patched clothes for Su Xiuxiu to wear, as this would not be "befitting a landlord".

"Yao'er, let me cook another bowl of ginger soup for Xiuxiu, my body is so wet, and it's winter, if I don't cook a bowl of ginger soup to warm my body, I think it's easy to catch cold.

If you get sick and suffer, you have to spend money to see a doctor! "The old lady Su entered the kitchen and whispered in Su Qingyao's ear.

"Grandma, I'll do the cooking, you go and rest."

"Yao'er, thank you for your hard work!"

"It should be, it's not a troublesome thing!"

"Well, Xiuxiu is lucky to have a cousin like you!" Granny Su said with emotion.

Regarding the two granddaughters, Mrs. Su was partial to Su Qingyao in her heart, but Su Xiuxiu was also her own granddaughter after all, so there was no reason to ignore them.

Su Qingyao can understand the family affection in the hearts of the older generation.

As long as Mrs. Su is happy and at ease, Su Qingyao will not care about some things.

When Qin Sheng saw that Su Qingyao was busy all for that woman Su Xiuxiu, he immediately felt bad.

Is the daughter-in-law a little silly?Why are you so nice to that bitch?
She was so kind to her, but Su Xiuxiu didn't remember this kindness, and was thinking of poaching a corner!

But Qin Sheng couldn't expose Su Xiuxiu's face in front of Su Qingyao, so he could only sulk himself.

At this time, Su Xiuxiu was soaking in the large wooden barrel of Su Qingyao's house, and the warm water moistened her body.

(End of this chapter)

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