Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1189 is quite pitiful

Chapter 1189 is quite pitiful
What Su Qingyao hates the most is when others say such things in a roundabout way!
It's as if Yin Cuihua came to ask for her things, as if to save her from wasting.

If Yin Cuihua was more straightforward and directly said that she wanted it, Su Qingyao would be able to accept it a little bit in her heart.

Facing Yin Cuihua, Su Qingyao replied lightly, "Mother, in this winter, things won't go bad if you leave them at home for ten or eight days. You can eat them slowly, and you won't waste them!"

Hearing what Su Qingyao said, Yin Cuihua's face was immediately stained with embarrassment.

"That... old fifth daughter-in-law..."

Su Qingyao also poked Yin Cuihua, not really reluctant to part with the little leftovers at home.

In fact, Yin Cuihua couldn't come to ask for it, and her family really couldn't afford it.

Su Qingyao also doesn't like to eat things that have been left on the shelf for too long. Now that she has made some money, her family is not in a pinch. At the end of the year, there are a lot of new year's goods and delicious things to buy.

I can't finish all the fresh things, let alone these leftovers!
After piercing Yin Cuihua, Su Qingyao didn't care too much, but said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, just wait! I'll go to the kitchen and get you some!"

Yin Cuihua's embarrassing and gloomy expression suddenly became very happy again. Hearing what Su Qing said just now, I thought Su Qingyao didn't agree to give her leftovers!Worried about what to do, Su Qingyao suddenly agreed again.

Yin Cuihua hurriedly smiled and said to Su Qingyao, "Okay, okay, fifth wife, you are so kind!"

Su Qingyao hooked the corners of her mouth and said nothing.

What she wanted was to let Yin Cuihua know that it wasn't because she was afraid that the leftovers would be spoiled and wasted for her.

The most important thing is to figure out the relationship among them, lest Yin Cuihua will continue to treat people like fools in the future like today.

Su Qingyao went to the kitchen and took two plates, one with some meat dishes and the other with some vegetarian dishes.Two full bowls are enough for several meals.

Yin Cuihua was very happy to see Su Qingyao brought out so many dishes.

At first, she thought that the fifth daughter-in-law was a stingy person, even if she was given leftovers, she wouldn't get much, but now she saw that there were two full bowls, and she was satisfied.

"Oh, old fifth daughter-in-law, you are really polite. I feel a little embarrassed for giving such a big bowl!"

Seeing Yin Cuihua's hypocritical appearance, Su Qingyao was a little speechless, but she didn't say so much, but said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, hurry up and take it back and give it to Sixth Brother to eat."

"Okay, okay!" Yin Cuihua nodded quickly in response.

Qin Sheng also came out just in time, saw Yin Cuihua's leaving back, and said with emotion, "Actually, my mother is quite pitiful. Although our Qin family was a little poor before, we can live on anyway. It's good for the family to be together. very!

But now... it's making such a fuss..."

Except that the five-bedroom is getting better and better, the four-bedroom is okay, and the other few are getting worse and worse.

Especially Qin Kui, because he made Xin Cuihua work so hard.

Hearing Qin Sheng's words, Su Qingyao agreed to a certain extent.

But a poor person must have something to hate, what Yin Cuihua should never have done is that she indulged Qin Kui too much.

It is self-inflicted to be in such a day now.

"She is your mother, do you feel sorry for her?" Su Qingyao asked Qin Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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