Chapter 1195
Several people continued to play while bickering and laughing in front of the yard.

At the beginning, the back of the hands was a little cold from the snow, but after getting used to it, not only were the hands not cold, but they were scorching hot.

Several snowmen were piled up in front of the courtyard of Su Qingyao's house, Lele and Yuan Bao were playing together, their feet fell on the ground, leaving a string of plum blossom marks.

Seeing how happy Qin Sheng and Su Qingyao were playing, Su Xiuxiu also wanted to get involved.

But he didn't dare to participate together. Qin Sheng's favor was only for Su Qingyao alone, not for her.

After playing wildly for a long time, it was almost time now, and the sky was getting dark. Su Qingyao called Xiao Baozi and Qin Sheng to enter the house together.

She still has to prepare dinner!There is no time to lose!

Dinner is still as good as ever!
Because Mrs. Su was able to stay, Su Qingyao and Xiao Baozi were very happy. Su Qingyao came out with good things from home. Taking advantage of Mrs. Su's presence these days, she would feed Mrs. Su well and replenish her body .

Seeing Su Qingyao's filial appearance, Mrs. Su was also very moved, enjoying the happiness of being here with Su Qingyao.

If she returns to Su's house, she will not be so happy!

Just when Su Qingyao was about to eat, she heard a stranger's voice from outside the room.

Su Qingyao frowned slightly, who could come here at this time?

"Daughter-in-law, I'll go outside to see who's here!" Qin Sheng was about to get up.

"Let's go and have a look together!" Su Qingyao said.

"it is good!"

The two of them were talking together, and when they reached the yard, they saw a carriage parked outside, covered with a layer of snow.

The curtains of the car were also wet from the snow, looking a bit embarrassed!

An ordinary-looking man got out of the carriage, about 40 to [-] years old, and looked dressed like an ordinary person.Moreover, there was an imposing manner on his body, which gave Su Qingyao an intuition that this person knew a little kung fu.

"Who are you? Are you here for something?" Qin Sheng asked.

The man politely explained the situation to Qin Sheng, "Hello, young master. My young master and I were on our way, and it happened to be snowing. The snow was heavy and the road was difficult to walk. Seeing that it was getting dark, I thought of going to the village. I wonder if my lord can make it easier for me to stay for one night?"

It is rare for the village to come to stay overnight, but it is snowing today, which is quite special.It's getting dark again, and it's not easy to get to the town, so I can only find a nearby village to stay overnight, which is understandable.

However, Qin Sheng didn't like strangers coming over from his family, especially for those who didn't look simple, he was even more defensive.

Seeing that Qin Sheng didn't immediately agree, the man said, "Don't worry, my lord, if you agree to let us stay overnight, we won't stay overnight for nothing.

I pay two taels of silver for the accommodation, I wonder if the young master is willing? "

For country people, two taels of silver is already a lot of money.

In the eyes of this middle-aged man, he can pay two taels of silver, and ordinary country people should be happy to accept it.

And all the way he came to the village, he didn't even think about the low and dilapidated houses in the village. He was afraid that his son would not be used to living in it, so he deliberately found the most magnificent house in the village, which was Su Qingyao's house, and came over to ask .

Qin Sheng glanced at the broken silver that the middle-aged man took out, and replied disdainfully, "It's not that I don't have money, I don't care for your little money!"

(End of this chapter)

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