Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1201 Qin Sheng hates Su Xiuxiu

Chapter 1201 Qin Sheng hates Su Xiuxiu
He smiles so beautifully!

This elegant and noble smile made Su Xiuxiu fall in love with her.

Qin Sheng glanced at Su Xiuxiu, who was courteous at the dinner table, and felt that Su Xiuxiu was a very cheap woman, and wanted to stick to any man she saw.

Just stumbled on him, and immediately set the target on someone else, which made people very angry.

But Qin Sheng didn't like it in his heart, hated it, hated it, and couldn't say anything about Su Xiuxiu.

This woman wants to find whomever she likes, and it would be better not to find him.Otherwise, he would laugh and stick it on like a dog's skin plaster, and he still doesn't know what to do.

On the contrary, Zhao Ziheng's appearance made him ask such an annoying woman as Su Xiuxiu.

"It's snowing heavily outside here, and with such a thick snow, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave for the next two days, so you can only stay at my cousin's house!" Su Xiuxiu started to croak on purpose.

Zhao Ziheng nodded embarrassingly, and looked at Qin Sheng and Su Qingyao, "If you can't leave, I'm afraid you will have to trouble Miss Su and Mr. Qin again in the next two days."

Qin Sheng didn't want strangers to stay in his house for too long, but the current situation is really not easy to drive them away.

Su Qingyao didn't mind too much, "It's okay, the more people in the family, the more lively it is, and it's just a festive painting for the New Year. Where is the excitement from no one?"

Su Xiuxiu also hurriedly followed Su Qingyao and said, "Yes, my cousin is right. There are many people to be lively. Mr. Zhao can live here with peace of mind. My cousin and cousin's husband are very good people."

Qin Sheng glanced at Su Xiuxiu with displeasure, and yelled at Su Xiuxiu, "Yo, Su Xiuxiu, you treat my house as your own? Where do you have the right to let others live here with peace of mind?
If I think you want to climb up to Mr. Zhao, you wish he could stay for a few more days, right? "

Su Xiuxiu's face flushed red when Qin Sheng exposed her so bluntly.

"Brother-in-law... I... I don't... Don't guess my mind like this."

Qin Sheng smiled sarcastically, "Hehe, don't you know it best in your heart!"

"Brother-in-law..." In front of so many people, Su Xiuxiu was a little ashamed by Qin Sheng's words.

Looking at Zhao Ziheng again, he looked at her with complicated eyes.

Su Xiuxiu thought in her heart that it was over, now it was over.

Zhao Ziheng won't believe Qin Sheng's words, think she is the kind of scheming woman, so he won't want to talk to her anymore, right?

It's all Qin Sheng...

Su Xiuxiu could only curl her lips in grievance, afraid that she would say more about Qin Sheng and continue to hate her.

If Qin Sheng was forced to tell what she did by the river that day, Su Qingyao probably wouldn't let her stay here any longer.

She had to find more opportunities to get close to Zhao Ziheng, so she couldn't make a mistake.

Su Qingyao was a little curious why Qin Sheng targeted Su Xiuxiu like this?

Could it be that he also discovered that Su Xiuxiu is a green tea whore?
But no matter what, Su Qingyao didn't like Qin Sheng either, and what Su Xiuxiu said also made her hypocritical and uncomfortable.

She didn't care about Su Xiuxiu because of Old Madam Su's face, but it was still a bit inexplicably sour for Qin Sheng to say something.

Zhao Ziheng could only continue eating, changed the subject, and talked about something else.

The heavy snow fell again and again, and the snow piled up again. Until the New Year's Eve, Zhao Ziheng and Zhao Dong couldn't leave.

Zhao Dong jumped anxiously, but Zhao Ziheng remained calm as usual.

But on New Year's Eve, basically every household came out to clear the snow in front of the door.

(End of this chapter)

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