Chapter 1209
Fortunately, it was at night and at Su Qingyao's house. If someone else saw it, they might have misunderstood something. Wouldn't it ruin his son's reputation.

If it was in their house, if any woman dared to do this to her young master, the madam would definitely punish her severely.

Obviously Su Xiuxiu hugged Zhao Ziheng, which made Zhao Ziheng feel uncomfortable, but Zhao Ziheng didn't push Su Xiuxiu away, Zhao Dong couldn't help sighing, feeling that his master was too kind.

Zhao Dong couldn't help it, so he said to Su Xiuxiu, "It's just fireworks, what's there to be afraid of, let go quickly, men and women can't kiss each other, you hug my young master, what is this?"

Su Xiuxiu was scolded by Zhao Dong, and she was too embarrassed to stay in Zhao Ziheng's arms, so she took a step back and moved out of Zhao Ziheng's arms.

Su Xiuxiu lowered her head and made an apologetic and embarrassed look, "That...Mr. I care about it!"

Zhao Ziheng twitched his lips, "It's nothing, since Miss Xiuxiu didn't mean it, it's not a big deal."

Su Xiuxiu replied with a moved face, "Young Master Zhao, you are so kind!"

Zhao Ziheng didn't know what to say to Su Xiuxiu, and after a few seconds of silence, he replied, "The fireworks are so beautiful, Miss Xiuxiu, let's watch the fireworks!"

Su Xiuxiu responded weakly, and secretly glanced at Zhao Ziheng's side face, thinking that she was in Zhao Ziheng's arms just now, Su Xiuxiu was very happy, her cheeks were not greasy, and her cheeks became hot, thinking about waiting until the day when she and Zhao Ziheng were together More and more intimate movements can be done in one day.

Zhao Dong glanced at Su Xiuxiu meaningfully, and always felt that Su Xiuxiu was weird, as if he was deliberately pestering and hooking up with his son.

She's just a woman from the country, and definitely not worthy of his son.

I don't know why this woman wants to make some unnecessary thoughts.

For a country girl like Su Xiuxiu, even if she is brought back to be his son's housekeeper, his wife might not be able to appreciate her.

Before, the wife had also selected girls from the house for the young master. These girls were not only better-looking than Su Xiuxiu, but also proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting.

Madam just thinks that the son's bedside person must be a well-educated and reasonable person, otherwise, if you are close to Zhu, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black. If there are those vulgar people, you may be affected badly.

Su Xiuxiu didn't think so much, and didn't understand the situation, she was still immersed in the fantasy of being able to be with Zhao Ziheng.

The fireworks that were set off lit up half of the sky, which was extremely beautiful in this dark night.

After seeing the fireworks, Xiao Baozi exclaimed happily, "Sister, it's so beautiful!"

Qin Sheng also said, "Yes, it's so beautiful! There's still money to spend. There are not many families in our village who are willing to set off fireworks. Even if they set off fireworks, they only put one or two at most, and they will be gone in a while!"

Now that her family has money, Su Qingyao bought a lot of fireworks and came back at once, so she can watch them all.

Su Qingyao didn't think the fireworks were so beautiful, because she had seen better-looking and more gorgeous fireworks, but she liked the atmosphere at this moment very much.

Celebrating the New Year with my family and watching fireworks, it feels so good to have family, and my heart is warm!

(End of this chapter)

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