Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1217 Scared by Su Qingyao

Chapter 1217 Scared by Su Qingyao
The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth curled up into a sneer and said, "Why am I afraid? Third brother, did you forget that money can make ghosts turn the clock?
It really broke your leg, you go to the government to sue me, and I will send more money to the government to deal with it, then you can still sue.

If it doesn't work, I'll spend money to find thugs. You don't have to do it yourself, and you can break your legs. Even if you look for it, you can't find me. "

Qin Fang didn't expect that Su Qingyao could be so ruthless and so terrific.

Instead, he was frightened by Su Qingyao.

Qin Fang also had some understanding of Su Qingyao's temperament, he was the kind of person who would do what he said.

In case Su Qingyao really gets angry and breaks his leg, who can he cry to?
In the days before, he was injured and lying on the bed, but he was suffocated. If he was paralyzed in bed all his life, and it was inconvenient to do anything, he might as well just die.

After being frightened by Su Qingyao, Qin Fang didn't dare to fight with Su Qingyao anymore.

Qin Fang got up from the ground, glared at Cao Shi angrily, and said, "You stinky bitch is getting more and more capable, I will deal with you when I find a chance later."

Cao Shi sighed, not knowing what to do.

Based on her understanding of Qin Fang, she can't deal with her today, and Qin Fang will find another chance to deal with her in the future.

Su Qingyao despises men like Qin Fang even more.

What the hell, why are there so many scumbags in the world?
Fortunately, compared to the other brothers of the Qin family, Qin Sheng is completely different from the fourth brother.

If it was a man like Qin Fang who was at the booth when she traveled through time, she would probably be even more disgusted.

Qin Fang limped along, still muttering cursing, rubbing his sore butt with one hand, and then entered the third-bedroom house.

Mrs. Cao thanked Su Qingyao gratefully, "Fifth brother and sister, thank you so much, thank you for helping me just now."

"Sister-in-law three, when you look back, you should protect yourself more. Now it's different from before. You have to pay more attention to this when you are pregnant with a child, so as not to hurt the child."

Mrs. Cao nodded emphatically, and replied, "Yes, I know about the fifth sibling!"

She let Qin Fang because the child in her womb usually had something to do, just to prevent Qin Fang from hurting the child in her womb.

Su Qingyao didn't say anything anymore, after all, it was his private matter, and she couldn't get involved too much.

What should be said has been said, what should be done has been done, this is enough, there is no need to say anything else.

After staying with the Qin family for a while, Su Qingyao went back.

On the way back, Qin Sheng held Su Qingyao's hand and seemed in a very good mood.

Su Qingyao asked with a smile, "What happy things did you encounter?"

"Hey, daughter-in-law, I just think it's good to live with you like this!
It's a new year again, and I hope to be with you every year in the future. "

Listening to Qin Sheng's frank love words, Su Qingyao has already adapted.

The more you listen, the more you will get used to this guy.

"Well, sure!"

"Daughter-in-law, you must be a gift from God to me. Let such a nice you be my daughter-in-law." Qin Sheng said, looking up at the sky, feeling his good fortune.

"Did you touch honey again in your mouth today?" Su Qingyao raised her brows.

"Daughter-in-law, have you noticed all this? You are too smart!" Qin Sheng patted Su Qingyao's flattery in cooperation.

(End of this chapter)

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