Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1224 Chapter 1238--1239: Weasel stealing chicken

Chapter 1224 Chapter 1238 - 1239: Weasel Steals Chicken

For a while, spring was shining in the house.

At this time, Zhao Ziheng squatted in the latrine of Su Qingyao's house for a long time and did not pull out anything. He felt constipated and uncomfortable.

The squatting legs were really numb and unbearable, so Zhao Ziheng got up and was going to go back to sleep.

However, when he reached the door, Zhao Ziheng heard some strange noises coming from the room.

After hearing these voices, there is no need to think about what is going on in the room at this time.

Zhao Ziheng's face turned red, but what he couldn't figure out was which woman did Zhao Dong get involved with?

A person who is so rigorous on weekdays shouldn't do such a thing?

In Su Qingyao's house, besides Su Qingyao, there is another girl named Su Xiuxiu.

At this time, it should not be Su Qingyao who is with Zhao Dong. After all, Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng seem to have a very good relationship, so they should not be with Zhao Dong secretly.

So at this time, only Su Xiuxiu is left!
Zhao Ziheng thought of Su Xiuxiu's reluctance when he and Zhao Dong left, so he wondered if these two people got together behind their backs, so Zhao Dong was reluctant to leave Suxiu?
When Zhao Ziheng was lost in thought, Lele and I suddenly yelled violently at the position of the chicken coop.

The barking of the dog also woke up Su Qingyao who was sleeping at this time.

Hearing Lele and Yuanbao yelling so loudly, Su Qingyao got up vigilantly and went out to check.

These two dogs have become very smart under her training, and suddenly they barked so loudly, something big should have happened, so Su Qingyao didn't delay, and she would feel relieved after seeing what happened.

While waiting for Su Qingyao to open the door to go out, she saw that Lele and Yuan Bao had rushed to the chicken coop.

Then a dark, thin, fluffy thing sang next to it.

Su Qingyao recognized what it was at a glance!
It turned out to be a weasel!

No wonder she ran to her chicken coop, probably because she wanted to steal chickens to eat.

In winter, there is nothing else to eat, and weasels will come out at night to look for food.

And the weasel's favorite thing to eat is chicken.

During the Chinese New Year greetings, I heard Wang Jinlan say that some people in the village lost chickens again, but not many, just a few. Compared with the amount of chickens Qin Kui stole before, it was not worth mentioning.

Many trash throwers began to suspect that Qin Kui stole the chicken, but thinking that Qin Kui's injuries were not healed, and he was lying on the bed unable to move, how could he get out of bed and steal the chicken?

In addition, there was no other evidence to testify, and it was impossible to say who stole the chicken for no reason, so Qin Kui had no choice but to be held accountable.

Now it seems that those who lost their chickens were not stolen by people, but by weasels.

Fortunately, Su Qingyao's family has a dog, otherwise it would be difficult for Su Qingyao to find out at night.

(End of this chapter)

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