Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1229 She Wants to Marry Zhao Ziheng

Chapter 1229 She Wants to Marry Zhao Ziheng

Crying made him upset for a while, and he didn't know what to do more and more!
If it wasn't because he was a man, and a man would not shed tears easily, he would have wanted to cry too!

Thinking of his wife at home and what he did today, Zhao Dong felt very sorry for his wife.

Hey, it's not good for God to tease someone. Is it interesting to tease such an honest man like him?

Thinking about it, he didn't do anything harmful to nature and reason, and sometimes he helped the weak and the poor. How could he be good and not get rewarded?
Su Xiuxiu continued to cry, and said to Zhao Dong angrily, "You were bitten by a dog, don't you cry?"

Zhao Dongge once couldn't understand Su Xiuxiu's meaning. He had already suppressed the grievance and anger in his heart. Hearing Su Xiuxiu's words, he replied to Su Xiuxiu in displeasure, "Miss Xiuxiu, what do you mean? Are you insulting me?" Is your personality charming? How can you say that I am a dog?"

"You are a dog, a beast, why should you harm my innocence?
Woooooo... You pay me, you pay me! "

Su Xiuxiu cried more and more miserably, venting all the grievances in her heart.

Zhao Dong clenched his fist angrily, seeing that Su Xiuxiu lost her innocence, he endured it for now.

Otherwise, with his bad temper, he would have to make a theory!
Who made him do something wrong?
Who made him feel sorry for others?

Don't they have to endure Su Xiuxiu's pretense?
Su Qingyao shook her head and sighed!

It is said that poor people must have something to hate, and this Su Xiuxiu is just like that.

Zhao Ziheng stepped forward, first comforted him, and then said to Su Xiuxiu, "Miss Xiuxiu, Zhao Dong caused you to lose the green vegetables, it is indeed his fault!
But Miss Xiuxiu, things have happened now, even if you cry now, it won't help, why don't you think about what to do.

Zhao Dong is not an irresponsible person, he is willing to be responsible to you, why does Miss Xiuxiu cry so sadly, could it be that she is dissatisfied with what Zhao Dong said?
Why don't Xiuxiu ask for a way to make up for it? As long as Zhao Dong and I can get yours, we will definitely satisfy Miss Xiuxiu. What do you think, Miss Xiuxiu? "

Hearing Zhao Ziheng's words, Su Xiuxiu sobbed a few times, and then asked, "Master Zhao, is what you said true? Let me make a request, and you will satisfy me whatever you can?"

Zhao Ziheng patted his chest and reassured, "That's natural. A man speaks his mind, and he's not joking with Miss Xiuxiu. If he's fooling Miss Xiuxiu, what he says naturally counts!"

Su Xiuxiu said, "Okay, then I'll say it.

Mr. Zhao, I don't want Zhao Dong to marry me, I want Mr. Zhao to marry me...

It doesn't matter whether it's your wife or your concubine, but I won't marry Zhao Dong. "

After Su Xiuxiu finished speaking, Zhao Ziheng was stunned.

He didn't expect Su Xiuxiu to say that, and thought that Su Xiuxiu was just asking for some material conditions, and would not make such a request.

But now Su Xiuxiu actually asked him to marry her?

There seems to be something in the middle that I don't understand.

"Miss Xiuxiu... this... I'm afraid this won't work!" Zhao Ziheng said in embarrassment.

He didn't have any affection for Su Xiuxiu. Without the affection between a man and a woman, how could he marry Su Xiuxiu.

Besides, as for his marriage, he was not in a position to make the decision himself, he had to obey his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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