Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1237 Asking for 2002 Silver Compensation

Chapter 1237 Asking for 200 taels of compensation
"Mom, what if it's not the case? What can we do if we don't make sense..."

"That's not okay, a girl's chastity is the most precious thing, no matter who messes with you, it must be compensated!"

As Jin Hua said, she didn't care about Su Xiuxiu's obstruction, and rushed into the room directly.

Both Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng were speechless for a while.

He clearly knew that he was not taking advantage of it, but he just wanted to run over to ask for benefits, this was the first time he had seen such a person.

To put it bluntly, it's thick-skinned and rogue!
It's really annoying to be blackmailed by this kind of person.

Jin Hua rushed into the house and saw two strange men, one was Zhao Ziheng and the other was Zhao Dong.

It can be seen from the appearance of the two people, which is Zhao Ziheng and which is Zhao Dong.

Jin Hua turned to Zhao Dong in displeasure, "You are the one who has tarnished my daughter's innocence?"

Zhao Dong frowned slightly, glanced at Jin Hua, and asked a few words, "Sister-in-law, are you..."

"I'm Su Xiuxiu's mother, I'm here to settle accounts with you!"

Only then did Zhao Dong realize that it was Su Xiuxiu's mother.

However, when Jin Hua said that he would come to settle accounts with him, Zhao Dong frowned in displeasure, "Settling accounts? You must know the ins and outs of this matter, sister-in-law, right? No wonder I!"

After hearing this, Jin Hua began to curse, "You slept with me for nothing, no matter what the reason is, I have to make up for it, right?

For you, you have a great advantage!My daughter is young and beautiful. If I marry into my husband's family, I can find a good husband's family!
Now because you have slept with me, it will be difficult to marry in the future.Did you overcompensate a little? "

Zhao Dong was silent for a while, thinking about it carefully, although Su Xiuxiu directed and acted the whole thing, he suffered a disadvantage.

But after all he touched Su Xiuxiu's body, a good girl lost her innocence like this, Zhao Dong was still a little bit sorry.

Now that Jin Hua has spoken, he is also willing to make a little compensation to Su Xiuxiu.

It's not that he feels sorry for Su Xiuxiu, but that he can be worthy of his conscience simply by doing so.

"Then tell me, what compensation do you want? Such a compensation method?"

When Jin Hua heard that Zhao Dong had succumbed, she was overjoyed.

He looked at Zhao Dong's attire, and then at Zhao Ziheng's appearance.

Presumably it should be the son of a wealthy family.

If she wanted more, even if Zhao Dong couldn't get it out, Zhao Ziheng should help to pay in advance.

Since you want to open your mouth, you need to open your mouth more.

If others think it is too much, you can continue to negotiate and bargain.

But if the price she quoted was too low, it would not be so easy to raise it if someone agreed immediately.

Jin Hua thought for a while, then stretched out two fingers, "200 taels of silver, you have to pay me 200 taels of silver!"

If 200 taels of silver could be obtained, even if Su Xiuxiu couldn't get married, with so much money, it would be enough to support her daughter for a lifetime.

With so much money, you can go back and buy dozens of acres of land.Relying on the rent collected every year can also allow me to live comfortably.

Hearing 200 taels of silver, Zhao Dong frowned even tighter.

"200 taels of silver? Isn't that too much? I can't take it out..."

He can barely accept 20 taels of silver, but 200 taels is really too much for him.

Although he worked with Zhao Ziheng on errands, the monthly payment was not particularly high.

(End of this chapter)

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