Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1241 Why Sudden Development?

Chapter 1241 Why Sudden Development?
Seeing Qin Yuer come back now, he was also filled with emotion.

"Okay, okay, aren't you coming back now? Don't cry, don't cry, my Yu'er won't cry!"

Qin Yu'er cried for a long time before she stopped her tears and wiped her eyes, feeling sad and happy when she returned home.

No matter how good it is outside, it is worse than being at home. This place is familiar and reassuring.

Qin Yu'er twitched the corners of her mouth, and responded, "Well, mother, I will listen to you not to cry!"

"That's good! Hurry up and sit in the room, Yu'er, you must be tired?" Wu Shi said, beckoning Qin Yu'er into the room.

Qin Yu'er shook her head and said, "Mother, I came back in a carriage, so I'm not tired!

The carriage is big and soft, very comfortable!

By the way, I brought you and Dad some presents! "

As Qin Yu'er said, she beckoned to the coachman to remove all the things from the cart one by one.

What came out of the carriage was not only some silk and satin, but also some jewelry, and there were countless supplements, all of which looked very valuable.

At this time, in the Qin family's courtyard, because Qin Yu'er had returned, many people came to watch the excitement.

Seeing that Qin Yuer brought so many good things, one knew that Qin Yuer had really developed.

Everyone was chattering and chatting, "Hey, Qin Yuer, the daughter of the eldest daughter of the Qin family, is amazing. She ran out because of embarrassment, but now she is blessed by misfortune. She came back with such good things. It’s developed abroad.”

"Isn't it? These good things are worth a lot of money. I don't know what happened to Qin Yu'er outside to become so rich!"

"She is a girl from a family, what can she do? I think she has climbed into some rich family?"

"It's possible, but after all, it's Qin Yu'er's luck. This kind of broken flowers and willows can still get rich and powerful, and be favored by others!"

"Oh, we don't know for sure what happened outside. I think it's possible to sell it in a kiln. Maybe someone can make money from this. You know it's easy to make money in a kiln!"

"No way? Could it be that Qin Yu'er really went to sell it in a kiln? This kind of talk is hard to say. There is no evidence, so you can't just make up rumors!"

"Otherwise? A girl from every family, where did she get such a great ability to make money?"



The villagers were chattering, but they all lowered their voices and made random guesses. No one knew what was going on.

The only one who knew what was really going on was Qin Yu'er herself.

However, Qin Yuer's sudden prosperity brought so many good things back, which still made many people in the village envious and jealous.

Maybe many people have the heart of "hating the rich", they just can't see others living better than themselves.

Especially for someone like Qin Yuer, who had done shameless things and was ridiculed by the people in the village, and now she can suddenly beat her up and live a good life. This kind of contrast is the most irritating and enviable.

Regarding the villagers' comments, Wu and Qin An did not listen to them, but looked at the things unloaded from the carriage, their eyes were shining brightly.

In my heart, I feel that it is better now, that Dafang's hard days are over.

There are so many good things in the future, do you still worry about having no money to spend?

Thinking of the sudden happiness, how could Wu Shi and Qin An not be excited.

"Oh...well, Yu'er is promising!"

(End of this chapter)

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