Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1244 Take out a few 2

Chapter 1244 Take out a few hundred taels


As Yin Cuihua said, she hurried out of Dafang's house, and after getting the money, she felt very happy.

Worried about having no money to spend, she got 10 taels of silver all at once, which was enough for her and Qin Kui to spend for a while.During this period of time, because I didn't have much money, I couldn't buy any delicious food, and my life was miserable haha.

Even though Qin Kui was injured and needed good things to mend his body, Yin Cuihua still didn't have the money to buy good things to make up for Qin Kui.

Now that she has 10 taels of silver, Yin Cuihua decided to take the money and buy a few catties of meat back tomorrow, to nourish Qin Kui's body and satisfy her hunger at the same time.

Waiting for Yin Cuihua to leave, Wu curled her lips and said to Qin Yuer, "Girl Yu'er, you just gave me a token amount just now. Why did you give you so much money? What a waste!"

Qin Yu'er didn't think it mattered, "I'll give it if I give it, anyway, it's only 10 taels of silver, and it's not too much! Mom, it's okay, I brought you and dad even more silver, so that you can live together for the rest of your life." Don't worry about spending money!"

As Qin Yu'er said, she took out a few silver notes from her pocket, each of which was worth 100 taels of silver. Adding up several silver bills, it was hundreds of taels of silver. Enough to spend the rest of my life.

Seeing Qin Yu'er getting so much money, Wu Shi and Qin An were equally moved.

They are afraid that they will not be able to earn so much money in this life, but now relying on their daughter, they are so rich.

"Oh, good... My Yu'er is really promising! So much money? It's true that I won't be able to spend the rest of my life!"

As Wu Shi spoke, her voice trembled a few times with excitement.

Qin Yu'er smiled and said, "Mom, anyway, you spend your money hard, and I'll send it to you when you don't have enough money later!"

Wu took Qin Yu'er's hand and said with emotion, "Yu'er, it seems that you are a concubine, and they treat you very well!"

Qin Yu'er raised her chin and said, "Mother, that's right, if you don't treat me well, can you give me so much money?

It's not because you spoil me and love me, I want to come back and prepare these good things for you. "

Qin Yuer said, full of complacency.

Wu asked curiously again, "Yu'er, what is his identity? Why are you so rich?"

Qin Yu'er continued to explain, "Mother, didn't I tell you? He is the nephew of the magistrate of the county, and his family is in business. Many friends' shops in the county are owned by his family, so the rich are very rich. .”

After hearing Qin Yuer's introduction, Wu Shi nodded.

"So that's how it is... so the family is indeed rich, girl Yu'er, it's really a blessing to meet such a rich person!"

"Hey, mother, of course!"

"Then how did you meet this person? How did he fall in love with you and marry you back?"

From Wu's point of view, although her own daughter looks a little better, she is not so good-looking that she is attracted by rich bigwigs.After all, for rich people, all kinds of beauties are the most indispensable around them.

In addition, Qin Yu'er is not a young girl, so why didn't people go to find the big girl Huang Hua, but Qin Yu'er instead?
Speaking of this, Qin Yu'er was silent for a while, and changed the subject, "Mother, don't ask so many questions, your daughter is beautiful, she just got a crush on her!"

It's not that Qin Yu'er doesn't want to say it, but that she doesn't know how to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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