Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1246 3 Years Hedong, 3 Years Hexi

Chapter 1246 30 Years Hedong, 30 Years Hexi

The fifth room is like this, it is still her fifth daughter-in-law.

After all, it was Su Qingyao who was in charge of the house, and if Su Qingyao said she would not give money, no matter how filial Qin Sheng was, there was no way for her to be filial to her.I can't give her much money, so her mother has to live a hard life outside.

Yin Cuihua felt aggrieved just thinking about it, but she couldn't say it.

Who made Su Qingyao strong? If Su Qingyao gets upset, the result will only be more miserable.

So under normal circumstances, Yin Cuihua didn't bother to provoke Su Qingyao.

After hearing Yin Cuihua's words, the people around echoed and flattered Yin Cuihua, "Yes, sister-in-law Qin, you are a lucky one. It is fine for your granddaughter to be filial, but if your son is not filial, it is a trivial matter."

"En!" Yin Cuihua nodded lightly in response, and after bragging with the villagers for a while, Yin Cuihua ran into the house in a hurry to tell Qin Kui the good news.

When she told Qin Kui about this, the sixth child in her family would definitely be very happy.

Su Qingyao and Shen Shi watched it for a while.

Shen muttered in Su Qingyao's ear, "Sure enough, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, girl Yu'er is a blessing in disguise, right?

I didn't expect that after running out, I could come back with a promising future, so that Da Fang can live a good life! "

After all, it was a family before, and Shen's heart more or less hoped that the Qin family would live well.

Even though the people of the Qin family sometimes did things too much in the past, she has been bullied a lot.

But now that she's separated from the Qin family, Shen doesn't want to worry about those things in the past.

Su Qingyao was a little curious about how Qin Yu'er developed, and felt a little strange.After all, knowing Qin Yuer's ability, it is unrealistic to say that this woman can become so rich by herself.It seems that he has climbed up to some rich man, and he will come back to show off as soon as he has money.

After all, it's someone else's business. Qin Yu'er came back this time, calm and honest, and didn't bother with anything, so Su Qingyao didn't bother to take care of it.

After having fun for a while, Su Qingyao went home.

The next day I went to the town and opened the shop.

After resting for a few days during the Chinese New Year, after suddenly opening the door for business, many regular customers came.

Basically, I ran out of the toothpaste and soap I bought before, so I came here to buy them.

Doing business for the first few days made Su Qingyao very busy.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people in the store, so they can come over busy.

Because there are too many goods needed and the supply is in short supply, many customers have to order in advance, and the items in the shop are sold out directly.

Su Qingyao had no choice but to buy more materials. These days, she has been working overtime with Shen Shi and Wang Jinlan.

On this day, when Wang Jinlan was busy at home, suddenly a child from Wang Jinlan's family ran over and called Wang Jinlan, "Mother, go back quickly, my aunt is here!"

Wang Jinlan frowned, "What? Your eldest aunt is here?"

"Yes, mother!"

"Hey, why did she come here suddenly?" Wang Jinlan wondered curiously, but she was still going to go back and have a look. In case her sister-in-law came to her for something, she couldn't delay.

So I greeted Su Qingyao, "Sister Qingyao, I'll go back first, and come back after I finish my work."

"Yeah! Okay, sister-in-law Jinlan, go and do your work!"

"Oh!" Wang Jinlan replied, a little embarrassed.

These days, Su Qingyao needs a lot of goods and is busy.

(End of this chapter)

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