Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1252 Was Trapped

Chapter 1252 Was Trapped
"Yeah, is it possible that you are counting on the life of your sister's family not to live, and passing on the difficulty of your own family to others?"

"There is nothing to say about this. Wang Jinlan is kind enough to give out 50 taels of silver. Let me ask you, if you have money, would you be willing to give 50 taels of silver to your brother?"



Even people who were jealous of Wang Jinlan couldn't say anything wrong with Wang Jinlan.

It is impossible for many people to give 50 taels of silver to elder brother.

Of course, at the same time, everyone thinks that Wang Jinlan is rich.After working with Su Qingyao, it didn't take long for the family to save 50 taels of silver. One can imagine how much Su Qingyao can earn by herself.

"Sister-in-law, you take the 50 taels of silver. I still have things to do, so you should go back earlier. Instead of kneeling here, you should think of another way."

As Wang Jinlan said, she continued to go to Su Qingyao's house to help Su Qingyao with work.

Mrs. Zhang looked at the silver in her hand, and at Wang Jinlan's determination, but had no choice but to go back with the silver.

There was no excitement to watch, so the villagers dispersed and went home.

Seeing Wang Jinlan coming over, Su Qingyao looked worried, so she asked Wang Jinlan, "Sister-in-law Jinlan, is something wrong with your family? Tell me, maybe I can help."

Wang Jinlan twitched the corners of her mouth, thinking that what happened today must have spread in the village. Even if she didn't tell Su Qingyao now, Su Qingyao would eventually know, so she told Su Qingyao truthfully.

Su Qingyao frowned after hearing this.

I always find it weird in the middle.

"Unexpectedly, sister-in-law, why do I feel that your elder brother was deliberately tricked! It seems to be a well-designed trap for him to jump there. Otherwise, how could he lose 500 taels of silver in ordinary gambling?"

Being reminded by Su Qingyao, Wang Jinlan felt the same way.

"Then I'll go to my elder brother and sister-in-law tomorrow, and ask my elder brother about the situation in detail. If I ask my sister-in-law today, she won't be able to tell me why. It's really a waste of time to ask!"

Su Qingyao nodded, "Well, it's better to ask clearly. If there is really a trap, the 500 taels of silver can't be cheated for nothing."


After talking to Su Qingyao, Wang Jinlan's mood brightened instantly.

The next day, Wang Jinlan found out that the casino where her elder brother lost money was run by the county magistrate's nephew, who was quite powerful in the county.

It was precisely because of this that he was very tough, threatening that if he didn't get all the money together, his elder brother's legs would be broken, and he might even be killed.

If it was an ordinary person, he would not have the confidence to say such a thing.

As a result, things get a little tricky.

As for this gambling, Wang Jinlan's eldest brother was framed by people from the same village, and he did not participate in the gambling. If an acquaintance from the village went to the casino to gamble and tricked him into making a pledge on the owed paperwork .

The people in the casino asked someone to pay back the money, and they found Brother Wang Jinlan.

In ancient times, as in modern times, no matter who did it, who guaranteed it, and who signed it, the responsibility fell on whoever did it.

Even if you go to the government office to sue, there is no reason to argue if there is a signed document.

And the person who lied to Brother Wang Jinlan also couldn't come up with 500 taels. Even if the Wang family forced him, he still couldn't come up with the money.

Instead, let brother Wang Jinlan bear the risk.

(End of this chapter)

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