Chapter 1255
"Sister, our dog belongs to Aunt Fifth's now!" Hao Hao, who was sitting by the side, explained to Qin Yu'er.

"How did our family become Aunt Fifth's?" Qin Yu'er's eyes flashed with doubts, and she was a little confused.

"Because Mother sold it to Aunt Fifth, so now it belongs to Aunt Fifth's family!"

Qin Yu'er frowned deeply, and muttered with some displeasure, "Mother, what are you doing? Why did we sell the dog we raised so hard to others? I worked so hard to take care of Yuanbao back then. It's been a while!"

Hearing Qin Yu'er's complaints, Wu hurriedly explained, "Yu'er, you can't blame your mother for this, if you want to blame Yuan Bao, it's useless itself!

At that time, our chicken was lost, and it didn’t even croak, so our chicken was lost for nothing, and you were so angry that you asked your fifth aunt to buy it!
This gatekeeper is useless at all, it really doesn't make sense to keep it here! "

Qin Yu'er was still a little angry, looking at Yuan Bao very reluctantly.

Then he looked at Su Qingyao, and said to Su Qingyao, "Aunt Wu, how much did my mother sell the ingot to you, and I will pay 10 times the money to redeem it!"

Su Qingyao chuckled and refused, "I'm sorry, I have raised Yuan Bao for a while, and I don't want to send back the feelings I have developed.

As for the money... now I earn enough money, not bad at all!So sorry, I don't sell it! "

Qin Yu'er bit her lower lip angrily, and continued to increase the price, "Ten times won't work, then I'll pay a hundred times, as long as you return the ingot to me, you can tell me how much it is!"

Qin Yu'er still doesn't believe it, there is nothing in this world that money can't handle.

However, Qin Yu'er still underestimated Su Qingyao, and Su Qingyao still refused. "I said, I'm not short of that money, don't buy it!

My family Lele also needs to have a companion, and Yuanbao is just right! "

Qin Yu'er was immediately annoyed, "Aunt Wu, please return my Yuanbao to me!"

"It's all sold to me, so what's the point? There's no reason to go back the sold things? Are you still keeping your promise?" Su Qingyao snorted coldly.

Seeing that Su Qingyao didn't intend to return the ingot to her easily, Qin Yu'er frowned even deeper.

Seeing Yuan Bao not far away looking at her eagerly but not daring to approach her, Qin Yuer became more and more reluctant.

Thinking of Qin Sheng's begging for her these days, Qin Yu'er gritted her teeth and said, "Aunt Wu, as long as you return the ingot to me, I will go and beg my family's husband to spare Wang Jinlan's elder brother!"

It is undoubtedly a great temptation for Su Qingyao for Qin Yuer to propose such a condition.

Looking at Yuan Bao, Su Qingyao was a little bit reluctant to think that Yuan Bao was very sensible in her house these days.

Su Qingyao felt that human life was more important than this one.

And Yuan Bao went back, although Qin Yu'er was usually a bit arrogant, it was not bad for Yuan Bao.

Now that Qin Yu'er has money again, Yuan Bao doesn't have to worry about food and drink.

Looking at Yuan Bao like that, he also has feelings for Qin Yu'er.

After deliberation, Su Qingyao raised her eyebrows and asked, "Qin Yu'er, do you mean what you say?"

"Fifth Aunt, I'm not a child anymore, why did I lie to you? I promise you, I promise you!"

Su Qingyao happily made a deal with Qin Yuer, "That's fine, as long as you are willing to help this favor, the ingot will be returned to you!"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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