Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1265 Qin Fang wants to hook up with Shen Shi

Chapter 1265 Qin Fang wants to hook up with Shen Shi

Qin Han glanced at his mouth, and responded, "Mother, I know!"

Hey, thinking of these things, Qin Han felt very bad.

Why do you think it is so difficult to live a good life?
At this time, Qin Fang was just lying in front of the door. After watching the excitement, he returned to the third-bedroom house and said to Cao, "If I were the second brother, I would regret it to death. If we didn't get along at the beginning, You can have a good life now!

In fact, the second sister-in-law is pretty good...

I didn't think before that I looked good even if I dressed up every day, but now I tidy up a little, and I look pretty good..."

At least it's much prettier than his mother-in-law!
After dressing up, Shen's appearance is among the women in the village, so she should be considered upper-middle class, right?
For a woman who looks good and can earn money, which man doesn't like it?
"Qin Fang, what do you mean?" After hearing what Qin Fang said, Mrs. Cao felt something was wrong, and asked dissatisfiedly, frowning.

Qin Fang smiled coyly, "What can I mean, just feel emotional!

You said that the condition of the second sister-in-law is also good now, why don't you find a man to marry?A woman is boring, there is no one to warm the bed at night! "

After hearing Qin Fang's words, Cao replied even more unhappy, "Qin Fang, what does it matter to you whether the second sister-in-law marries or not? Do you need to feel emotional?

Are you feeling sorry for others?What are your plans?Could it be that he is going to help the second sister-in-law warm the bed at night? "

Qin Fang was very uncomfortable that Cao's words hit the spot all of a sudden.

In fact, Qin Fang really had this plan!

What about women, how can you do without a man?It will inevitably be a little lonely at night!
Especially for someone like Shen, who has been away from his second brother for so long, and has not touched a man for a long time.

So you should be hungry.

And he, in fact, is almost the same!
Mrs. Cao is pregnant, but he can't touch her, and he doesn't have the money to find women in brothels. Isn't it just because of hunger and thirst?

If he could find Shen Shi, he would help Shen Shi on the one hand, and help himself on the other hand.

Of course, the most important thing is that Mrs. Shen is good-looking, and he also wants to try the taste. Everyone said that it is not as delicious as dumplings, and as fun as sister-in-law. He also wants to seek some excitement!
It would be even better if she could get along with Shen Shi!
Shen is rich!

Now following Su Qingyao, Shen has earned a lot of money!

Now getting ready to build a big house!

Being able to get along with Shen Shi, he will be able to live with Shen Shi in a big house in the future, and he can eat and drink well every day, so how comfortable and happy?

When he really fell in love with Shen Shi, he kicked Cao Shi!
Anyway, he despises Cao's now, let's just forget that he can't grow up, he can't even have a son, and he can't make money like Shen's.

With such a woman, life is getting worse day by day, Qin Fang has long wanted to get rid of it.Of course, I hope to be like his fifth brother, eating soft food happily!

If Shen's is on the list, he will be able to eat soft food for a lifetime!
Just thinking about it makes me feel happy!
But Qin couldn't truly express his inner thoughts when he was placed in front of Cao Shi. Instead, he deliberately put on a sullen face, and reprimanded Cao Shi in displeasure, "You mother-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about? You make up rumors like this Your own man?

If someone else hears this, I don't know what they will think! "

(End of this chapter)

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