Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1276 Of course it is biological

Chapter 1276 Of course it is biological
"Mother, I'm not your and dad's biological son, am I?" Qin Sheng asked after being silent for a while.

I hadn't thought about it before, but now I think it's kind of weird.Obviously there are six brothers, and the other brothers have more or less similarities, except for him, who is not like a brother at all.

In addition, he and his parents are very different in appearance, so they are even more curious.

"What nonsense! Didn't you give birth to me or who gave birth to you?

I gave birth to you in 10 months of pregnancy, don't I know? " Yin Cuihua reprimanded.

Although this son was not raised by her side since he was a child and had no feelings for him, he was still her own in the end.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have spent 5 taels of silver to buy Su Qingyao back as his daughter-in-law.
Wasn't it because Qin Sheng was her own, she couldn't ignore it, and had to fight for Qin Sheng's sake.

"Okay, mother, then I guess I have changed, otherwise I don't look like you and dad.

But it's okay, if I look like you and dad, then I definitely won't be as handsome as I am now, and I won't be the most beautiful man in ten miles and eight villages. "Qin Sheng said, with a hint of happiness and complacency in his tone.

Su Qingyao felt that Qin Sheng's first half of the sentence was normal, but the second half of the sentence couldn't help becoming narcissistic.

Although this guy admits that he is handsome, he shouldn't talk about it all day long.

Only a narcissist would say these things.

"Qin Sheng, can't you keep a low profile?" Su Qingyao complained.

However, Qin Sheng smiled at Su Qingyao, showing a row of big white teeth, "Daughter-in-law, I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it. Your husband is so handsome, and he is the most beautiful man in ten miles and eight towns. What can I do?" ?”


Su Qingyao rolled her eyes, and didn't bother to argue with Qin Sheng.

Let this guy continue to love himself to death!
After a while, the old woman who opened the door came again, followed by Qin An.

Seeing Yin Cuihua, Qin An yelled, "Mother, why are you here?"

"Hey, boss, you're out!
Hurry up and lead your mother in, I'm blocked by this old lady! "

The old lady said to Yin Cuihua apologetically, "Old lady, it's because of my poor eyesight that I didn't recognize it."

Yin Cuihua choked out angrily, "How can you be blind? You are blind! My son and I look so similar, we are mother and son at first glance, why didn't you recognize it?"

The old lady was taken aback for a moment, but she replied with a very good attitude, "Yes, yes, the old lady is right, she is a little blind, please accompany the old lady here, and I hope that the old lady will not talk to me. This ignorant servant cares about it."

Seeing the old lady's good attitude and praising herself, Yin Cuihua liked it very much, so she didn't continue to argue with her, but stepped into the yard with a smile.

Qin An had a bad premonition in his heart, so he continued to ask, "Mother, you haven't told me why you came here today!"

Yin Cuihua did not directly say the purpose of her visit today, but replied, "What? I said boss, you are now living in the county town, the scenery is beautiful, and you are living a good life. Is it possible for your mother to come and see you? No?"

Qin An thinks about it too, he has to let his family know that he is living such a beautiful life now.

If you don't show it off, how can you make people envious?How can I satisfy my vanity?
(End of this chapter)

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