Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1278 I directly discounted the money to her

Chapter 1278 I directly discounted the money to her

Su Qingyao didn't bother to say anything about this.

After all, in the eyes of these people, they only see money and only look for money, without any other noble virtues.

Yin Cuihua and Qin An chattered a few more words, Qin An's words were nothing more than showing off that Dafang's life is easier now, which made Yin Cuihua even more envious and yearning.

After a while, the servants made tea and brought it over, along with a few plates of snacks.

"Old Madam, Master, Fifth Master, Fifth Madam, please drink tea!" The servant said respectfully after serving the tea.

Qin Sheng and Su Qingyao felt a little awkward hearing such a title, but Yin Cuihua was very happy to hear it.

The old lady... Isn't this holding her up?

Think of her as a woman in the country, one day she was able to stand up and become a master, who would be unhappy?

How comfortable would it be if I were to live in the old man's house in the future and be served by servants who are attentive and considerate every day?

"Mother, fifth younger brother, fifth younger siblings, hurry up and drink tea. This tea is given by my son-in-law. It is the top of the newly picked tea this year. It is delicious! I heard that it is a special offering, and you can't buy it if you have money." , I entrusted someone to lead her." Qin An introduced and showed off.

Su Qingyao doesn't understand Qin An's thoughts, if others want to pretend, let him pretend, but it doesn't matter.

So I picked up the teacup and tasted it, "Well, it's really fragrant and delicious."

This tea should not be cheap, Su Qingyao knows a little about tea, and this tea is not so cheap to buy in the 21st century.

Qin Sheng and Yin Cuihua didn't know much about tea, they just felt that the tea tasted a little better in their mouths, but it wasn't that special.

"Boss, if you bought this tea with money, how much would it cost per catty?" Yin Cuihua asked casually.

"Listen to my son-in-law, at least a few dozen taels of silver!"


A mouthful of tea was sprayed out of Yin Cuihua's mouth, and then she coughed violently.

Qin An asked anxiously, "Mother, what's the matter with you!"

Yin Cuihua took a while to reply, "Ahem, boss, so I drank a lot of money in just one sip?

Really, why take out such a valuable thing for me to drink?I can't tell what it tastes like, why don't you convert this cup of tea into money for me! "

Based on the calculation of tens of taels of silver per catty of tea, she drank at least tens of millions of dollars for this cup of tea, several catties of meat money.

Buying more meat and eating it back home is much better than drinking this cup of tea.

Su Qingyao looked at Yin Cuihua speechlessly. Fortunately, it was in front of her own family. If she was in front of others, she would be ashamed.

Yin Cuihua really got into the eyes of money, thinking about money all the time.

Qin An opened his mouth, and said helplessly, "Mother, it's not that you and the fifth younger brother came here together, as the host, I must take out the good things in the house to entertain them?

Whether you can tell the difference or not, it's part of my heart! "

Qin Sheng couldn't stand it, so he said silently, "Yes, mother, brother is right, for his kindness, why are you thinking about money?

Is money so good? "

Yin Cuihua was so bullied, thinking about it, it was indeed the case, she nodded and said, "That's right, then I can't waste it, so drink it all up."

As she spoke, Yin Cuihua picked up her teacup and drank it down in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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