Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1284 No one is filial

Chapter 1284 No one is filial
None of the sons are filial, and none of them think about her in their hearts!
At the beginning, she was pregnant in October, and she worked hard to give birth, and then raised her shit by piss, but it turned out to be good now, and none of the sons she raised was caring.

Zaoxiao raises a few daughters. The daughters are caring and know how to love others, so her life will not be so miserable now!
Yin Cuihua glanced at Qin Yuer, pinning her last hope on Qin Yuer.

So he smiled at Qin Yu'er in a fawning manner, "Girl Yu'er, grandma knows that you are a good and filial child, you bought this house, and you have the most say.

Now grandma also wants to live in such a nice house, can you nod and agree? "

Qin Yu'er is not a fool either, so she won't be coaxed by Yin Cuihua's few words.

Instead, he smiled and replied to Yin Cuihua, "Grandma, what are you talking about, I am filial, but I have to be filial to my parents!

I can do whatever my parents say. As a girl, I can't go against my parents' wishes just to be filial to my grandma, right? "

This time, all hope was lost, Yin Cuihua sat down on the ground, crying more and more sadly.

Son and daughter-in-law are not filial things, why am I so miserable!

I can't enjoy the blessings when I'm old. I shouldn't have given birth to these melon babies in the first place. They raised them so hard, but they didn't take me as a mother seriously! "

Yin Cuihua was crying, tears streaming down her face, looking very sad.

Seeing Yin Cuihua crying and making a fuss, Dafang's eyes showed even more disgust.

Su Qingyao twitched the corner of her mouth speechlessly.

Although the facts were within her expectations, she was still a little disgusted seeing Yin Cuihua's cheeky and unreasonable appearance.

This matter cannot be completely relied on Da Fang's head.

If Yin Cuihua hadn't been too selfish and cared too much for Qin Kui at the beginning, she wouldn't have quarreled with Dafang like this.

What kind of cause sows what kind of fruit, Yin Cuihua has to reflect on herself now.

But this matter is between Da Fang and Yin Cuihua, she will not go in and get mixed up, she can only watch the fun and let Yin Cuihua make a fuss.

Qin An frowned and looked at Yin Cuihua who was lying on the ground, "Mother, how old are you, can you stop doing this? If you are watched by others, you are not afraid of being laughed at by others."

Yin Cuihua said with a straight face, "Who watched it? Who laughed at it? If I say it, I'm talking about you heartless things!"

"Mother, you have to be conscientious when you speak, come here, our eldest room's delicious hospitality doesn't mean to neglect you in the slightest, right?

It's inconvenient not to let you live. The other sons didn't keep you. Why do you have to live in our house?
Our first house has no such obligation!

If I remember correctly, the one you love the most and care about the most is the sixth brother!Give the sixth brother whatever is good!Wouldn't it be enough to let the sixth younger brother perform filial piety for you?Are you embarrassed to find us? "Wu snorted coldly and reprimanded.

Qin An followed Wu's back and responded, "That's right, mother, leave the matter of filial piety to the sixth brother, and it will be good for you to live with the sixth brother in the future. Anyway, I have a clear conscience for what I do now, and I think it is right to live with you! "

Seeing that Yin Cuihua was about to cry again, Mrs. Wu warned in a cold voice, "Mother, let the ugly words come first, you are fine now, and our eldest room can continue to entertain you with good food and drink. If you are making a fuss, I will let you People kicked you out!"

(End of this chapter)

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