Chapter 1293
Seeing that Su Qingyao told Feng Qiaoling about the situation, Qin Sheng curled his lips in displeasure, and said to Su Qingyao, "Daughter-in-law, why are you telling this woman? Really, this kind of annoying person can't let her know about me. Condition."

Su Qingyao twitched the corners of her mouth helplessly, and said in Qin Sheng's ear, "What can we do? You don't know who he is, do you? He is the daughter of our county magistrate, if offended, we probably have a lot of dissatisfaction." necessary trouble.

It's getting late, we can't just stay here and not go back, can we?
Even if you don't tell me this information, what is his identity?Just send someone to investigate casually later.Do you think that if you don't talk about it, people won't know about it in the future? "

Hearing Su Qingyao's words, Qin Sheng was a little surprised. The girl in red sitting on the horse at this time turned out to be the daughter of the county magistrate.

No wonder he was so insolent, it was because of his own status that he dared to shout like this.

Otherwise, who would put her in the eyes of a girl?
Qin Sheng curled his lips. If it was as Su Qingyao said, then he really couldn't offend Feng Qiaoling casually.

Hey, no matter how much you hate it, no matter how much you don’t like it, you have to endure it!

Who made himself incompetent?If he could be like Bai Luotian and Mu Shaoqing, no one would be afraid of Feng Qiaoling.

After hearing Su Qingyao's reply, Feng Qiaoling's eyes flashed a meaningful look.

Hearing that Qin Sheng had married, Feng Qiaoling couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

After all, after finally falling in love with a man, he has already married a wife.

Look at Su Qingyao again, she seems to be pretty good looking, she is a great beauty, among the beauties, she is considered top-notch.

Standing with Qin Sheng, he is a man of talent and beauty, very suitable, there is no incompatibility at all.

"Okay, this girl keeps her word! Now that I know this, I won't embarrass Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin! There will be a date later!"

As Feng Qiaoling spoke, the corners of her mouth rose for a moment, and her smile was reflected in the setting sun, making her look incomparably flamboyant.

It is estimated that only those who have been living aloofly can be as unrestrained as Feng Qiaoling.Even Su Qingyao couldn't do this!

Some things are fixed at birth. After all, the growing environment is different from Feng Qiaoling's, so naturally Feng Qiaoling's personality cannot be raised.

Before Feng Qiaoling left, she gave Qin Sheng a reluctant look, and pinched the horse's back. The horse rushed out quickly, and disappeared at the end of the street all at once.

Many spectators even pointed a few words at Qin Sheng, nothing more than talking about Qin Sheng's luck, otherwise he would not have such good luck to escape today's catastrophe.

"Let's go!" Su Qingyao picked up the scattered things on the ground, and greeted Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng touched his butt, and yelled a few words, "Daughter-in-law, your husband's butt really hurts! He can't walk anymore!

Woooooo... I didn't feel much just now, but now I feel more pain..."

Su Qingyao met Qin Sheng's aggrieved face, and asked with a smile, "Do you want me to take a look and rub it for you?"

Qin Sheng immediately responded, pouted his butt towards Su Qingyao, "Daughter-in-law, come and rub it for me!"

Su Qingyao not only didn't rub, but also slapped Qin Sheng's buttocks. The painful Qin Sheng yelled again.

"Daughter-in-law, it hurts so much, why do you still beat me?"

(End of this chapter)

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